The Need for a Scientific Method for Spirituality — 1

The Nature of Evidence in Spirituality —A Sexual Experiment — Mana and Meaning

Ömer Melih Aksoy
18 min readDec 15, 2018


Spirituality is an eternal meta-field that is mastered in more than thousands of lifetimes.

Most concepts in spirituality has an elegant complexity consisting more than 3-Dimensions/Planes, we can’t calculate the possibilities without having a globe-wide resonant academic field at the moment. But just going through a Past Lives Regression Therapy is a significant probing for a sound proof about our spiritual nature.

No one should criticize, see, practice, teach, preach for or against Spiritual fields with a linear reason and defame it out of reaction, even if it’s based on years of education, practice and research.

An evidence for spirituality is readily available when a person looks within and do some connections between one’s inner and outer life. Internal and subjective evidence should be sought first instead of expecting an objective, unbiased and external evidence from others, latter kind of evidence can be available when there are more systematic research efforts that can collect and process the unique facts about the nature of spirituality.

Spiritual evidence is another kind of evidence that must fit for the nature of spirituality which may not satisfy the current methodologies, assumptions, dogmas and expectations of mainstream science, religion or culture at its current state without the least wonder, research, acknowledgement and touch to the true facts of spirituality.

Spiritual Sciences and Disciplines/Fields needs to wisely research, evaluate, judge, qualify, calculate-measure-quantify, understand and work with universal, eternal, non-linear, cross-cultural, multilayered, multidimensional, multiplanar, interdimensional, interplanar, irrational, super-rational, supernatural/paranormal, extrasensory, non-empiric but still observable (with or without training psychic sensorium), symbolic, holistic, subjective, biased, collective, intuitive and counter-intuitive facts and kinds of data that are observed through subjective, collective and eternal experience of life, sometimes surfaced through remembrance and imagination, along with the kind of data (such as objective, statistical, empiric etc.) that are readily processed in all sciences.

So when we are doing research or practicing spirituality we should ponder on holistic and non-linear concepts/elements such as mana, past lives as human as well as other steps of evolution and possibilities of experience on Earth as well as all life and existence, reincarnation, experience after death, paranormal, eternal processes, total unification and separation of holistic beings (eg. Twin Flame Unions may resemble cellular and atomic fusion that happens in a process that continues for billions of years), parallax, psychosomatic mechanics (i.e placebo, emotional issues and disease, physical transformation upon healing or alchemy), depth perception, meaningful synchronicity, unconscious data that surface through pareidolia or apophenia, the factor of psychic/subtle/holistic trauma and damage along with physical, collective capability of understanding and awareness at a given point in time or line of evolution, truth quotient of any given belief, ancestral curses or personal hexes that are still active that were done that still disturb our lives before Earth.

I estimate that everyone should have truthful psychic abilities in their natural state, which are mostly latent and/or might have been blocked or damaged because of destructive/limiting/charm magic or holistic traumas that were inflicted all along the eternity of life, in which death may be a threshold of oblivion along with entering the womb and birth.

I know monks that still keep working on the mandala they had painted centuries ago. A meditation that is done in 30 minutes can flower and flourish even after our death and in our future lives. So process is far more important that the outcome.

There may be no end in eternity. All of the stars can dim down and extinguish after stellar processes and all life becomes unsustainable in the universe we know as it is for now, but there can still be places we can incarnate in and still there can be no actual big bang or a potential big crunch. But we had already experienced science and technologies well advanced (such as intergalactic travel) than the current achievements that we are proud of in Earth.

We must prevent the overall/regular raging of general public along with habitual refutations of psychologists,doctors, psychiatrists, scientists against Spirituality, Alchemy, Magic, Astrology, Healing and Self-Help without the least wonder of discovery and research to truth side of such fields. Such raging and defaming may trigger unjust arrests and judicial cases on practicing and teaching true Yogis, Healers, Shamans, Astrologers, Alchemists, Magicians and Self-Help Professionals because of misleading, over-simplified and unscientific approaches that may cost people’s sanity and health that are done by inept, impotent and irresponsible professionals and teachers in field.

Without being well informed in many facets of spirituality and sexuality, not knowing how to dispel black magic, conducting exorcism and abjuration of entities, healing through conversation with God (prayer/faith healing) and going through regression therapies and practicing healing a person can assume oneself as a potent healer oversimplifying the whole field of spirituality and healing claiming that treatments such as universal energies, bio-energy, bio-resonance, aromatherapy, acupuncture or the system one had learnt or the energy that one has attuned in a course can miraculously cure all diseases and disorders, all the while acting like a complete charlatan without knowing what one is inflicted with, one may not realize her spiritual potential especially when they are offended with criticism and don’t care for self-criticism unable to measure the quality and quantity of Healing Light, even if they get formal training that are accredited with certificates along with a diploma in psychology. The whole subject cannot be oversimplified to accredited training even in expensive, complex, holistic and popular systems (ie. Hatha Yoga, Ayurveda, Qi-Qong, Acupuncture) because of the eternal and magical nature of spirituality.

Evidence in Spiritual Disciplines doesn’t have to be similar or same as the kinds of evidence pertaining to mainstream scientific fields or what people may generally expect from a professional.

It is unwise and unjust to criticize and preach against fields of spirituality and debunk them as pseudo-science without patiently and diligently attending to train and develop psychic/extrasensory perception (whose are verily innate potentially, instinctive, intuitive, natural, vital and sexual) with sexual practices with meditation, going through regression therapies or contacting sane people that went through them and guidance with a well informed spiritual therapist/master who knows and practices spiritual sexuality along with regression therapy who can also dispel hexes and do exorcisms. There is no need for a paranormal evidence in spiritual matters, but paranormal events and states are possible though they will remain uncommon until there is a general understanding.

Beware that you should do necessary preparations before going along increasing the frequency and power of the sexual practices that I will outline below. You should not over exert yourself and be patient to wait for the green light to increase power and frequency. First times usually prove to be safe but being greedy and lustful with sexual and Kundalini practices can be over-taxing, especially when you are not ready.

Yogic-Ayurvedic Purification Practices (Shatkarmas) such as;
- Cleaning of Nasal Pathways with (Neti — pouring or jetting saline water with a pot or feeding syringe)
- Cleaning of Sinuses (Kapalbhati) through drawing saline water from a bowl by nose — squirting out from nose and spitting out from mouth separately
- Fixing the Gaze on a Candle, Point, Symbol, Mandala/Yantra or Geometry Until (Trataka),
- Enema with 1.5–2 liters of warm mild herbal infusion (rose, garlic and/or green tea with water) doing Viparita Karani Mudra (Half Shoulder Stand), lying down facing downwards and swinging the pelvis and facing upwards.

- Applying moxa (moxibustion) or warm/hot incense smoke near or on sexual channels, spine-middle line, fingers, wrists, ankles and toes with green tea, clove, dragon’s blood or mugwort until some 10–15 seconds after you feel relief but you can keep going for minutes in each point/part. You can ask for a Acupuncture Professional for moxa, they mostly use mugwort for moxa and can extend the duration. I experimented with smoking pine rosin on a easy-burning coconut coal it can also ease energetic stress very easily, though it can cause asthma or skin irritation. You can also peck the hot end of licorice root on points and keep on them when it’s cooled down a bit. (Don’t inhale fumes directly. Make sure there is ventilation in the room)

- Prayer healing for the holistic damage that were inflicted on circumcision and any medical procedure that happened under anesthesia whether its local or general. You can visit Astral Sanitarium for these procedures.

Even an 45 minute long intercourse or masturbation can be very saturating so further increase in power and frequency without Digesting can over tax your psyche and holistic bodies. Please don’t augment the practice when you’re not ready without going through regression therapies upon sexual traumas and holistic healing and be loving and kind to yourself as well as your partner because violent behavior can make energy go out of control. You should also do healing practices about inter-sexual relationships through active imagination and remembering. Please ensure that your partner has also done the preparatory practices before commencing to sublimation.

Always observe the energies to sit in and get digested for at least a week in your first attempts.

Increasing power and frequency is especially risky in cases there are psychoactive addiction and subtle traumas/damage associated with psychoactive drugs whether they are synthetic or natural. All psychoactive drugs excluding rare use of cannabis but including continual use of psychiatric drugs and single use of hallucinogens has harmful effects and can inflict physical as well as subtle damage upon spine, liver, brain, blood, spleen as well as many parts of holistic body/psyche through single or continual use because they disorient the natural state of body and psyche.

Although satisfying, non-violent, kind, caring and loving yet infrequent practice will support healing.

Sexual Satisfaction and Spirituality

The reason why most people don’t have psychic abilities is that they assume ejaculation as orgasm and sexual satisfaction, which is a big false dogma about sexuality. Satisfaction comes through saturation instead of release and loss of sexual fluids/energies which is full of precious mana and potential when sublimated.

So most people are not saturated with sexual energies and lose their sexual energies through ejaculation. This affects men more than women, but when the sexual acts are limited to 15 minutes and don’t extend more than 40 minutes, women tend to fake orgasms. Women are naturally more apt to psychic phenomenon because they don’t ejaculate but menstruate, but they can’t have sound progress without sexual satisfaction too. Whole subject of sexuality and love can be associated with power games, domination, aggression, violence, rage, fury, fear, insecurity and becoming a taboo that has consuming vicious cycles in terms of energy, psychic/spiritual abilities/potency and spirituality when we don’t understand real sexual satisfaction and intimacy.

Extension of sexual acts for more than 40 minutes gets the couple ready for multiple and serial orgasms with epiphanies, peaks, quakes and valleys if there is the factor of caring and loving intimacy. The orgasmic palette of men and women are same except physical genital (clitoral, vaginal, uteral, penal, testicular etc.) orgasms. But beyond the superficial physical layer everyone has all organs pertaining to each gender, so a man can still have a G-Spot or clitoral orgasm and a woman can have a testicular orgasm in through their subtle/spiritual bodies. All types of orgasms that may be experienced in all parts of body as well as other constituents of our being are available for both genders. But everyone should ponder on the possibility that lovers experience orgasms and sexual satisfaction without even touching or getting naked, but through an holistic intimacy between lovers and a care for abstinence and cultivating inner love and sexuality before relationships. With such an intimacy entering into multi-orgasmic zone can be possible in 5 minutes or less too.

Sexual Sublimation

Starting with sound, good, healing and/or positive intentions (such as purification, enlightenment, development, fruitfulness, improvement, bounty, fortune, love, ability, balance, justice, creativity, healing, transmutation etc.) keeping sexual acts (including masturbation) at least for an hour while sublimating the sexual energies and ending without ejaculation can prove that extrasensory perception, psychic/emotional/mental/holistic development and self-healing is possible and accessible to everyone, but needs to be further treated and corrected with daily meditations and healing the traumas that were inflicted on intuitive/extrasensory faculties, genitals, sensory organs, chakras, points/meridians, spine/brain and other organs through remembering past and past lives with attention to detail and complexity.

Beware that you shouldn’t carry hot sexual energy (warm when there is arousal/non-physical intimacy and hot when there is physical intimacy including masturbation) to the brain before it is cooled down at Throat Chakra. Brain should receive energies that are gradually refined through the course of Pranic Tube and cooled down at Throat Chakra to prevent psychoses and illusions, warm energies may be healing but they still contain risks for sensitive organs. Ensure balance and saturation of lower chakras first. Gradually, carefully and patiently refine sexual energies at first attempts.

Sublimation can be done by engaging PC muscles and carrying the sexual energies and nourishing all parts of the body with an orchestration of Vajroli Mudra, Mula Bandha, Sahajoli, Shambhavi Mudra, Nasagre Drishti, Ujjayi Pranayama, Spinal Breathing and/or Microcosmic Orbit along with Tongue Mudras/Locks and activation of Kidneys, Tonsils and Adenoids with serial and simultaneous concentration. Sublimation should continue after sex to alleviate the pain that is caused by energies that are stuck at subtle channels.

- Vajroli Mudra : Cessation and holding the urine flow. Carries the overall energies that are concentrated in genitals and testicles/ovaries to coccyx/perineum.
- Mula Bandha : Starting with physical isolation and engagement of pelvic muscles to concentrate on activating-stimulating-locking the Perineum; Prostate or Skene glands, this mostly becomes an etheric and holistic practice after isolation and understanding with many secrets.
- Ashvini Mudra : Contracting and releasing anal sphincter muscle
- Sahajoli : Concentrating on Root Chakra and optionally pumping the tummy several times to release energies from genital zone, carrying along and saturating the body.
- Shambhavi Mudra : Looking to the point in between brows as well as the internal gaze on pituitary/pineal glands or centering to the place where there is static witnessing of life.
- Nasagre Drishti : Looking at the tip of the nose, stimulating the Root Chakra.
- Ujjayi Pranayama : Making an Ocean Sound by closing the epiglottis by the movement that we do when we whisper.
- Spinal Breathing : Inhaling and Exhaling Up and Down the spine until Brain, after some weeks adding retention of breath without strain; it’s dangerous to go out of the crown until you’re ready with this, but you can suck from crown still
- Microcosmic Orbit : Ask a well informed QiQong and Acupuncture Therapist for this, this may need preparation. It is the circular movement of energy that is done at Conception and Governing Meridians, which is a very crucial energetic movement that pertains to pre-natal period that should be carried along with life. These meridians can be blocked somehow and over-stimulation can cause energetic damage and trauma.
- Tongue Locks : Putting the tip of your tongue to the hard and soft palate which switches on our energetic circuitry, there is also an advanced tongue mudra that is called Kechari Mudra, which is associated with Amrita/Ambrosia-Nectar/Elixir of Life that can be done after prepping.

Refuting spirituality and psychic phenomenon without the least wonder and experience of having the natural and true satisfaction pertaining to sex and love keeping on with mainstream belief is very unwise indeed, along with religious dogmas that refutes the fact of reincarnation when anyone can probe for evidence through experience of regression sessions with an adept therapist.

Eternal and Holistic Nature of Spirituality

Regression therapies shouldn’t be limited to one hour sessions and should continue as it is needed, as both pre-trauma and post-trauma process and events should also be included in healing as well as guidance. A person should conduct self-regression therapies and don’t depend on a therapist after some sessions and guidance.

Traumas that were inflicted in anal rape and torture while imprisoned in a dungeon cannot be relieved and healed in an hour session, but needs several extended sessions with the understanding of spirituality of sex (sexual alchemy, tantra/magic and healing) as well as restoration, repair, integration, revitalization, exorcism and dispelling work. Therapist who don’t know spiritual sexology are inept to heal sexual traumas that might have been inflicted in sexual assault, harassment and any kind of rape.

A spiritual master can emerge out of ignorance that comes with oblivion that all people experience at birth to genius and wisdom by self-initiation, research of literature, invocation and conversation with God, careful meditation, remembering and healing of past lives and distilling the contents of spiritual/holistic memory. Training and formal education is not mandatory if there is an eternal background and accumulation of spiritual discipline, experience, knowledge, understanding and wisdom that can be tapped through the remembrance of past lives, a natural ability that is available through spiritual memory.

Masters can emerge without help but students needs instructed/educated teachers who directly and indirectly know masters. Masters and teachers can also help able disciples and adepts from distance without physical contact. But not all students are able to receive non-physical training.

There is surely a dire need to come up with true scientific and educational methods, theories and practices that satisfy the eternal, non-linear, non-empiric, multidimensional, multiplanar, interdimensional, interplanar, ultra-rational, extrasensory, supernatural/paranormal, irrational, super-rational, intuitive/counter-intuitive and holistic facts of spirituality and needs of spiritual truth; discipline, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

We can have a stable improvement in terms of personal and collective sanity and wisdom with the academic and general research, experiment, education, development, practice pertaining to spirituality and divinity that extends to eternity based upon true facts, instead of misunderstanding and fanatically preaching for or against through belief systems, dogma and superstition and based on scriptures that were channeled well before the general accessibility to technologies such as printing press, microscope or telescope.

Spiritual facts have the potential for positive change and healing in general when they are rightly understood with an understanding that also understands misunderstanding.

I know that Psychology and Psychiatry professors, hence the students that eventually become professionals, blame charlatans but they tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater and deprave all Fields of Spirituality without research into field. Even when modern psychiatry use psychoactive drugs that only evade the real problems instead of solving them, it holds the mainstream authority and respect assuming it discovered the correct treatments for psychological disorders, because there are research efforts in this subject in Universities and practice in Hospitals for decades. All the while correct practice of Spiritual and Holistic Healing and Alchemy can cure the disorders and diseases where Modern Psychology, Psychiatry and Medicine is stuck at.

There can be many karmic/spiritual factors pertaining to a psychological disorder or physical disease along with physiological/psychological factors such as in cases of psychosomatic diseases and disorders.

We must understand that physical and psychological (as well as spiritual) disorders and diseases do/may have more than a single cause. When there are magical factors such as entities, curses and hexes that cause psychological or physical disorders/diseases we must apply magical procedures such as dispelling, abjuration, exorcism and protection for them.

When there is a past life trauma that is triggered and surfaced through substance use which causes hallucinations (which are connected to past lives) that are mixed with intuition and psychosis, the physical/subtle/holistic traumas that were inflicted at the process of substance use should be healed along with several regression therapies to the problematic events and processes pertaining to past of the individual which may also happened at past lives, transition periods between death and conception or pre-natal period.

Traumas that adds to the causes of psychoses or diseases can also be inflicted in a innocent and seemingly harmless dental procedure such as cavity filling through stressing subtle channels that are wired to any part of body (especially cranial nerves, brain and spine get over-stressed in dental procedures thus possibly inflicting the whole body), thus triggering/surfacing the problematic past life memories with strain and pain even under anesthesia, which is actually a shocking event for the parts of body (especially nerves, brain, blood and liver) and there can be subtle traumas that should be healed with Conversation with God and Kundalini or Energetic Therapies.

We can’t cure the psychoses and disorders in their totality through chemically treating its symptoms, which may only evade the traumas that were inflicted in cases of events and continua of torture, familial violence, bullying, child/adult molesting, incest sexuality, harassment, loss of loved ones, war, famine, poverty which becomes causes for psychotic behavior and personality disorders as well as physical diseases along with decrease in overall life satisfaction. To ensure sanity we should understand and heal them in their totality and detail. Without carefully understanding many hidden factors that cause physical and psychological negativity, we shouldn’t simplify treatment to swallowing pills that may have adverse effects especially on central nervous system which is connected to every place in our body.

Improving spiritual health improves overall health and boosts immune system as far as I had observed, which improves regeneration and self-healing too. This can end the need to intake medicine for most ailments and we can prevent sickness through self-observation. So Spiritual Alchemy and Healing can be a preventive measure against disorders and diseases as well as a supportive treatment which may actually heal psychosomatic diseases by addressing the root causes.

I suggest that Alchemy, Astrology, Magic/Personal Development and Healing should also be researched in universities, hospitals and specialty institutions and be harmonized with Philosophy, Social Sciences, Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry (I am quite sure that Healers would be overjoyed with Biology, Anatomy, Pathology, Neuroscience, Analytical Psychology courses). These disciplines should be practiced in jails, schools, hospitals, nursing homes and asylums along with personal consultation.

Mana and Meaning

Spirituality depends on Mana more than Matter and Meaning.

Meaning is something linguistic, but Mana is vital.

Each word or concept can have many meanings that signifies things, events, processes. We define concepts and things with Meaning though Mana can extend beyond the defined limits. Mana is defined as Magical Power but it is something beyond power or ability. Mana is non-linear, interdimensional, multidimensional and holistic. Mana consists holistic contents; energies, emotions, thoughts, intelligences, intentions along with elements pertaining to soul, spirit, prana, akasha as well as wisdom, information, conditioning, correspondences, symbolism, properties, abilities, forces, secrets and possible other elements.

‘Sulphur’ can mean a specific atomic element that is found in nature for chemistry but represents many concepts and modalities in Alchemy which is beyond the chemical meaning or properties of Sulphur. Mana of Sulphur has more importance than the chemical meaning and properties for the Alchemist. For most of the Alchemist Sulphur is a psychic mode of operation (for an energetic/astral/mental/karmic/causal/spiritual/holistic current or constituent) that is active and voluntary. Spiritual Alchemists may correspond Sulphur with Rajas, Pitta, Yang, fire, virility, male, action, activity or will. Practicing Alchemist may conduct laboratory experiments with actual Sulphur and come up with alchemical medicines. Some believe and teach that putting sulphur in shoes repels parasites and when tried it can be some kind of a relief.

But as an Alchemist I don’t see a need to use 3 Based Categories for understanding Modes along with any number but see everything as it is. Sulphur can be together with Salt and also there may be the factor of unseen, unknown and unimagined.

Mana can be personal as well as collective, global, stellar, galactic and universal. Mana includes actuality along with potentiality.

The mana of an object or a concept depends on how we live, experience, relate and condition it. We may know the meaning of anything but our experience is based on mana and also our experience and relation can change the mana of anything.

Mana relates with the universe as well it contains the whole universal experience of a given thing. Thus the mana of democracy consist the experience of everyone about democracy. It includes the ideal as well as the actual. It includes the right as well as the wrong. It includes all perspectives.

The meaning is much more superficial than mana. When we meditate on meaning we further define a thing and we may see how it is misunderstood and understood, thus we can get near to an ideal understanding or the definition of any thing’s meaning by the perspective of God. We should ponder on that meaning is not that linear and can have many facets for an Ideal or Divine Perspective.

In my opinion God understands understanding along with misunderstanding as well as the ideal along with actual. Divine wisdom is able to idealize the actual, but God created the universe through the most scientific and elegant wisdom and we experience actuality.

When we meditate on mana the meditation becomes a much more complex activity, but there can be an elegance of simplicity too. But we should care not to over-simplify and over-complicate the truth and perceive / know / understand / experience (also utilize) anything as it is, its behavior, its inherent and projected elements along with part-whole relationship.

We should also ponder on the universal experience. The universal mana of anything is same for everyone though everyone understands anything’s mana from their own perspective.

A ring can be an accessory, a keepsake, a souvenir, a charm, a totem and/or a talisman along with and/or free from it’s signification about marital status.

A specific ring or rings in general may effect singles, lovers, fiancees, brides, grooms, newly weds, pregnant women, single or married parents, children, divorced/broke up couples or widowed persons (as well as the deceased spouse) differently but according to their personal and collective experience of rings that is not limited to marital status.

Any object can be enchanted and become a talisman, charm or a totem through magical processes or along with the continuum of experience which will condition the mana of that object. Interchanging rings between spouses improve love in marriage through unconscious psychic transfer of mana pertaining to rings. Is there any ownership of rings inside a marriage anyway?

The mana of a ring doesn’t depend only on the categories about marital status but also the owner of it, as well as personal and couple experiences that can’t be limited only to this lifetime but a detailed overall of all lifetimes in the universe if we are talking about the Ring as an universal object or symbol.

Also the marital status is not always indicated by rings in other places in the universe. Ceremonial vows can also differ. There are cultures in the universe where incest sexuality is not a secret as well as cannibalism of deceased family members is a part of the funeral. We might have been a part of such cultures in our past lives before we had arrived to Earth and such habits may still be there somewhere in the universe right now.

The mental and causal mobility is much more accentuated in meditations pertaining to mana. Thus when we meditate on mana we can discover many elements, facets and layers in the totality of one thing and its relations with the universe.

Mana holds the symbolism of anything though it also has all the properties including their chemical and physical properties.

