Sifchain Biweekly Update

Sifchain Finance
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2020

16 December 2020

Global Community

It’s only been a few months since the founding of Sifchain. We’re grateful to our early adopters and investors for their support. Read on to learn about our long term vision for SifDAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), our upcoming token launch, and our native cryptocurrency.


Our tribe has 2,000+ enthusiasts, developers, and investors around the world. Check out our detailed vision, mission, and structure in the article Sifchain and the DAO of Cryptocurrencies.

Public Token Sale

Sign up to be in the loop about the token launch!

We are hiring a community manager and moderator. Contact us if you have firsthand experience and you’re interested.

Rowan (RWN)

Wondering about our tokenomics? Satiate your curiosity through our recently published Token Economics Paper.

  1. Rowan is the governance token for Sifchain. All protocol changes are voted on by holders of Rowan. Voting weight is proportional to the amount of tokens held.
  2. Rowan secures the network. It is provided to validators from protocol emissions known as block rewards. Validators stake Rowan to participate in network consensus.
  3. Rowan is also the settlement token for Sifchain. Traders must directly or indirectly purchase Rowan in order to execute trades against Continuous Liquidity Pools (CLP), ensuring demand for the token.


We are forging partnerships with centralized and decentralized exchanges for liquidity and trading volume. Stay tuned for exciting news.

Our presentation at the Cosmos Interchain Conference was well received: “To Ethereum and Beyond: The Future of Interoperability Between the Cosmos Network and External Blockchains”

Technical Development

Thanks to the dedication of our developer community, the TestNet is thriving. Our engineering team is hiring so contact us if you want to join! We aim to release a version of MainNet in January of 2021.

TestNet Launch

  • With over 100 TestNet validators active, we expect a successful MainNet launch. Our TestNet has been running since October 2020.
  • MainNet will coincide with a 12 week validator subsidy program to incentivize validators, swappers, and liquidity providers. Stay tuned!


  • Check out our open source code on Github. If you fix an issue and we accept your pull request, you will receive $250 or more in USDC.
  • Check out our developer documentation and pull requests for a live preview of what’s coming to our protocol.
  • Stay tuned for bug bounty programs. We reward those who help us. We recognize that open source is done through the sweat of too few developers doing too much work for free!

Developer Walkthroughs


We are gaining notoriety in major press channels and online communities. We love speaking with researchers, storytellers, and leaders to spread knowledge about the future of our industry. If you identify as any of the above, contact us!

Interview: Reuters Insider | Crypto Coin Show

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Interview: MoneyDance

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Interview: Crypto Kielas

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Interview: Charlie Gibona

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Interview: GreatDrop

Interview: Gagarin Crypto

