Getting the appraisals you deserve; and what’s stopping you?

People Analytics by Psychd
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2020
Photo by Startup Stock Photos from Pexels

Short Answer: Emotional Intelligence.

Long Answer:

We all look towards life from different aspects, have different desires and aspirations to be fulfilled. Also, different are the ways with which we work towards our desires. Do you feel that people’s hard skills and appraisals have little to co-relate? You might be right! Emotional Intelligence(EI) is the key here. The concept of emotional intelligence in the workplace has been introduced since the 1990s but now almost every company looks for employees who are not just technically or professionally intelligent are emotionally intelligent as well. Why?

People who are emotionally intelligent know what their emotions are telling them, what is making them angry, worried, or upset. They have better abilities to control these emotions which hinder the path of success and cater to those which make them efficient, happy, and fulfilled. Here are 5 key insights on how to improve your emotional intelligence and succeed better at work.

Self Awareness: Live in the moment

This is one of those things which might require practice but is worth the effort. No matter what problems you are facing, try to stay calm, and work with consistent efforts. Always stay confident and tuned into the present and do not let the past affect the future. Only if you live in the moment, you fully realize its opportunity. Analyze your goals and channelize your energy, always, for achieving phenomenal results.

2. Self Regulation: Manage your emotions

Circumstances may be good or bad, you must know how to stay in control and manage your feelings. When people are spoken to in a harsh or attacking manner, they wouldn’t listen and rather go in a defensive mode. Always be considerate with your words. Remember that making any careless decision, ruled by emotional distress will only further spoil the tensed situation.

3. Be empathetic

Ask yourself if you are able to listen, understand, and sympathize with the feeling of your colleagues, and others in the workplace. Try to read between the lines to realize people's motives when listening to people. This will improve your relationship and bonding with others. Try to understand what the person is going through by keeping yourself in their place. Treat others like you would treat yourself.

4.Self Regulation: Criticism is good

You might be in a bad phase in your life, you might have to face failure in spite of all the hard attempts at work. At such times, there will be people who will criticize and question you. Hold yourself from breaking and stay strong. Analyze your strength and work on your weaknesses. There’s always room for improvement. Remember ‘What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger’

5. Motivation: Stay Happy :)

If you are cheerful, agreeable, and easily adaptable in an environment, people like your boss or colleagues are just more likely to like you. They are just people after all! Maintain your inner peace and stay optimistic and motivated. Nobody likes a bad sport.

That’s pretty much it! It isn't so hard, is it? or Maybe it is. Remember soft skills are developed over a long period of time one step at a time. But once acquired, you’ll really appreciate how much simpler and easier life is. To leave you with 2 quotes:

To sum it up, like we always say: Know Thyself. Love People @ Psychd.Psychd is a free platform that helps you discover yourself and understand your loved ones. Visit today and take a few minutes to discover your inner self. Get Psychd.

