#MentorSpotlight || Meet Roy Povarchik

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3 min readAug 5, 2016

“Make sure you’re keeping score of the right KPI and being smart in how you push them forward.”

Music to Media

A music lover, Roy Povarchik started a record label at the young age of 19 with partners where he was in charge of marketing, PR, and booking shows.

Roy Povarchik

Since regular channels didn’t work — the team used reverse engineering to find out where their audiences attention was. They turned to blogs and Myspace (and Facebook and Youtube in their early days) to build a complete social media campaign for the musicians. Roy quickly learned that building an artists brand is really a 360, all encompassing situation and did A/B testing for shows, used social media to drive attention, and more.

Because of their tight budget, Roy taught himself everything from coding to design to the details of the music industry. After all, whether the artist failed or succeed, it was his doing.

A PR career

After some time, Roy and his partners split up. Roy went on to open a PR firm specializing in social for musicians while at the same time joining Cassetta with composer and performer, Jonathan Keren, doing digital marketing for top tier artists in Israel.

Roy was approached by one of the artists he was working with and was asked if he wanted to join a startup, taking a product management and marketing role.

Roy took the opportunity and says this experience helped him find his true passion; the world of marketing, blogging, leveraging media platforms, and because not many people were looking at growth, it was easy for him to stand out as a (term he considers overused) ‘Growth Hacker’.

Since then, Roy has worked as a growth consultant for different companies and giving talks and lectures (worldwide). He recently started building a growth and content marketing agency where he helps the startups analyze their KPI (key performance indicator) and see if they’re hitting their goals with content marketing, SEO, PPC. He and his team think smarter around the processes and reverse-engineer their way to the goals, just like he did for musicians and their fans.

Entrepreneurs/ founders:

Make sure that you’re keeping score of the right KPI and being smart in how you push it forward.

For example: DropBox’s main KPI is to increase paying users. They want to get people to upload more files so that they need to buy more space. They convince people to save photos to take up more space, so that users end up needing to pay more money. But to us users, it is presented as a helpful feature. You don’t want to mess with your clients, but you do want to increase the bottom line.




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