Nguyen D. Le
Published in
1 min readNov 15, 2022
The Island

The Island” is one of the most influential movies to me. The story was about artificially bred human species raised in a closed environment for organ harvesting. To keep them alive and healthy, activities like virtual barehand and weapon combat was organized, in which player fought each other in a simulated environment. Those games helped those in captivity maintain their livelihood and balanced biological growth while preventing them from severe physical injury.

We cannot tell if it was either purely fictional or realistic for that particular fighting game part.

Nevertheless, the movie sure served as inspiration for most of my work. Being fortunate enough to be trained with the best Kung Fu masters, I wore both hats of a computer scientist and a martial arts coach. The idea of making something just like that virtual fighting game came very naturally to me.

Now the idea is coming very close to realization. While training the model, I tweaked several options. Below is putting a mesh on top of the 2D reference image. Have fun!

