Sifu Vision’s Redemption Process

Sifu Vision News
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2023

Secure and streamlined redemptions through a dedicated smart contract

Unlocking Value in Sifu Tokens

Sifu Vision recently made a strategic shift towards investing in early rounds of long-term projects. This shift has resulted in the creation of a streamlined redemption process for Sifu token holders, enabling them to exchange their tokens for USDT, Volta and UwU tokens instantly through a dedicated contract. This article outlines the redemption process and provides guidance on how to participate during the upcoming quarterly window.

Sifu Vision’s Evolving Investment Strategy

As part of its evolving investment strategy, Sifu Vision has been investing more in early rounds of longer-term projects. This strategic pivot aims to maximize the potential for growth and capitalize on opportunities arising from these innovative endeavors. As the investment portfolio matures, Sifu Vision is committed to providing secure access to the value generated by these projects.

A New Contract-Based Approach

To better facilitate redemptions for investors, Sifu Vision has developed a dedicated contract accessible at This solution offers a secure and instantaneous way to unlock the value of Sifu tokens, with the potential for additional assets to be included as investments mature. With this new redemption process, Sifu token holders can exchange their tokens for USDT, Volta and UwU tokens.

Step-by-Step Guide

This list outlines the simple and efficient process for redeeming Sifu tokens through the dedicated redemption contract provided by Sifu Vision.

  1. Visit the redemption contract at
  2. Input the desired amount of Sifu tokens you would like to redeem.
  3. Approve the contract to authorize the redemption.
  4. Submit your tokens.
  5. Upon submission, USDT, UwU and Volta tokens will be exchanged instantly.

Redemption Periods

The next upcoming redemption window will be available from the 1st of July to the 4th of July, 2024. Subsequent windows will be offered on a quarterly basis, providing regular opportunities for investors to redeem their Sifu tokens.

In conclusion, Sifu Vision’s new redemption process is a secure and streamlined way for Sifu token holders to unlock the value of their tokens. With the upcoming quarterly redemption windows, investors will have the opportunity to exchange their Sifu tokens for USDT, Volta and UwU tokens regularly. By providing access to the value generated by its investment portfolio, Sifu Vision demonstrates its commitment to investor satisfaction and its continued success.

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