Call for Nominations for Candidates for the SIGCHI Executive Committee Election

Loren Terveen
Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2020
“Be a Voter” Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Summary. SIGCHI elections will take place during Spring 2021; all SIGCHI members can vote. We are posting an open call for people who wish to be considered as candidates; nominations due by November 20, 2020. We will announce the slate of candidates by December 18, 2020.

This is the first in a series of four posts:

  1. This post gives an overview of SIGCHI, the election, and includes the open call for nominations.
  2. A second post provides more details about SIGCHI Executive Committee roles and responsibilities.
  3. A third post describes the actual election process, which takes place during Spring 2021.
  4. A fourth post will announce the candidates (by December 18, 2020).

About SIGCHI and the Election

SIGCHI is a membership-based, volunteer-driven organization. Every three years, it holds an election for officers on its Executive Committee; officers serve a three year term. 2021 is an election year. The current term ends on June 30, 2021, and the next term begins on July 1, 2021. The SIGCHI Bylaws specify details of the election process.

SIGCHI is the premier international society for professionals, academics, and students who are interested in human-technology and human-computer interaction (HCI). We provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of HCI through our 24 sponsored and over 40 in-cooperation conferences, publications, communities, websites, and other services. We provide many funding opportunities to enable participation in our events. We advance HCI education through workshops and outreach.

SIGCHI is led by the Executive Committee (EC), which includes elected officers, appointed officers, and the Past President. The ACM structure and function of a typical SIG provides general details with respect to this committee.

The Executive Committee develops policies and takes actions to ensure the success of SIGCHI conferences. They also set the vision and advocate for the entire field of HCI. To do this, they have provided funding for a broad range of activities, including Summer and Winter Schools, and travel support for students and new scholars, particularly for new and previously marginalized communities.

What positions are up for election?

The following positions are up for election:

  • President and Executive Vice President (who run together as a team);
  • Vice President of Membership and Communications;
  • Vice President of Finance;
  • Two Vice President At Large positions.

There are other Executive Committee positions, but they are appointed rather than elected positions. See this companion post for more information on these roles and their responsibilities.

Why should I care about the election?

The Executive Committee is responsible for making decisions that affect SIGCHI as a whole. Each EC term lasts three years, but the effects of an Executive Committee’s decisions can last far beyond that: for example, by creating infrastructure for conferences to use, establishing travel funds, and supporting local chapters. The elections are an opportunity for the community to shape the direction of the SIGCHI organization and our field.

Open Call for Candidate Nominations

Nominating Committee

The current SIGCHI President, Helena Mentis, has delegated the job of forming and chairing the nominating committee to the SIGCHI Past President, Loren Terveen.

The Chair will form a nominating committee of at least five and no more than nine members. Most of the members preferably will have extensive SIGCHI experience, such as serving on the EC or any of its committees, or in SIGCHI conference leadership. One member will be a junior member of the community, for example, fewer than 5 years past terminal degree. No one who wants to be considered as a candidate for the election may serve on the committee. The nominating committee will represent the diversity of the SIGCHI community and the HCI field.

Nominating Process

Nominations are open from August 1, 2020 to November 20, 2020.

The nominating committee:

  • Will publicize (using all available SIGCHI channels) the upcoming election and the call for nominations, including self nominations.
  • May identify potential candidates themselves.
  • May approach potential candidates (whether nominated externally or identified by the committee) directly to assess their interest in the position(s) for which they are being nominated.
  • May conduct preliminary assessments, including interviews, with all candidates.
  • Will finalize a slate based on their assessments of the potential candidates.
  • Announce the slate, following ACM rules.

Candidate Nominations and Qualifications

Candidates for SIGCHI President must previously have served on the Executive Committee as an elected or appointed officer (VP), and candidates for all positions must be ACM and SIGCHI members. The committee will consider several other factors in assessing potential candidates:

  • Familiarity with SIGCHI. Does the candidate have a good understanding of the field of HCI and the role of SIGCHI in the HCI community?
  • Relevant experience. Has a candidate worked successfully on committees, particularly in volunteer organizations?
  • Vision. Can the candidate articulate a specific vision for the goals they hope to achieve if elected to serve in a specific position on the Executive Committee?

The committee is committed to assembling a slate of candidates that jointly represents the diversity of the SIGCHI community.

When nominating someone (including oneself), we ask for a brief statement that addresses at least these factors. It also should specify the position or positions the nominee should be considered for. Nominations should be submitted via email to

