Imperfectly Perfect!

Amsitha Mb
Sight to Insight
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2020

You Are Perfect

You heard me right!

You’re Perfect!

In this fast running world, we all are chased with an invisible shadow. We are on a race with no deadline. Take a pause, give it a minute, and think. What are we running behind? And what do we actually want?

I’m sure everyone would have been through some kind of dark phase in life. It could be work stress, anxiety, loneliness, depression, anything that bothers you. You might get panicked and may not know how to react and handle such situations. People around you may find it weird. You may not find it perfect. This might lead to dropping all your hopes and self-esteem.

In this era, still there is some part of society, which doesn’t pay much attention to such issues, in turn get to judge people who concern about their mental health. They find it silly and stupid to consult a doctor.

I’m not here to bring you out of it or to show you some path. I’m all here just to say that’s okay. That’s totally fine. Apparently we all are on the same boat with different perspectives and experiences. The best way to get out of this is to ‘let all of it out’. Let it out through any means. It could be jotting it on a paper or talking to someone. It can be your family, friends, or even a stranger. Not with the hope that they will pull you out of the hole, but it will unlock the invisible barriers you are tied up with.I’m sure there are people around you, who would love to hear you and help you out.

Just because no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, it doesn’t mean you can, should, or need to do it alone.

We all are imperfectly perfect. The imperfection in us, take us through different experiences, and teach us life lessons. Accept your flaws, work on it and turn that into your asset. Life cannot be adventurous and joyful without imperfection.

I’m perfectly imperfect ~ Imperfectly perfect

