How to Get Scale Airdrop

Alex Williams
The Scale Network
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2018

Hey everyone, the process for receiving your airdropped Scale is pretty easy. Just open up your Eth wallet. I’m going to be using Metamask but the process is very similar for all wallets.

The new contract address is 0xa82b0eE3daeAC02A5f63Df48db34Bd474C5F8aF7

Hide the address of the old token as to not get the new Scale and the legacy Scale tokens confused.

Then add the new token address to your wallet.

And you’re all set up for the airdrop. Your tokens should already be n your wallet when you add the token!

If you’re wondering why the new amount of Scale in your wallet doesn’t match the previous amount, don’t worry. You will not be able to see the tokens you are currently staking until we’ve updated with the new contract information. But the amount of tokens you have for the new address matches the old address.

New Features of the Contract

  • We’ve added the ability to add to your stake to the current staking amount.
  • Staking has been changed as well. Before once you started staking you had to wait a minimum of 7 days. But with this contract, once you unstake, regardless of when you started staking, you have to 14 days before you can claim the staked tokens.
  • We reduced the total initial supply from around 12 million to 10 million.
  • We’ve decided to burn all remaining sigil, including the premine. However, we are going to take 2 million of the new Scale to go towards the dev team, all excess over 2 million will be burned. This is an increase over the premine however, this is to help pay for the new developers we’ve hired.

