Setting up an ERC20 SCALE receiving address

Alex Williams
Sigil Platform
Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2018

A setup guide for an ethereum wallet

How It Works:

To get your new SCALE tokens, you’ll need to sign up for a wallet that supports ERC20 tokens. SCALE tokens are just a contract on Ethereum, meaning you‘ll be able to send the tokens to any Ethereum address. However, only a few Ethereum wallets allow you to actually see and interact with your ERC20 tokens. If you send your SCALE tokens to a wallet or exchange that does not support ERC20 tokens or where you do not control your private keys, you will lose access to your tokens unless you can get the wallet or exchange providers to intervene. It is vital you have access to either the Keystore File, Private Key or Mnemonic Phrase for your wallet. Only when you have access to one or more of these authenticators is it safe to send the SCALE tokens to that address.

This website has a list of wallets that are ERC20 compatible: You should use one of these wallets to receive your new tokens.

There are a myriad of compatible wallets but I’m going to walk through Metamask specifically. MetaMask is an easy-to-use wallet where you control your private keys. While this article details Metamask, you can use any of the wallets listed above. The setup procedure is similar for all Ethereum wallets.

1. MetaMask (Web Browser Plug-In)

To Create a MetaMask Wallet

To install MetaMask go to and click the link for your browser. I’m installing it on Chrome.

Click “Add to Chrome” make sure you are adding the official Metamask wallet:

Then click “Add Extension”:

You should now see MetaMask in your Chrome toolbar:

Choose a secure password. Make sure that you write it down and keep it somewhere safe.

Write down your 12 seed words or download them as a file and keep them somewhere safe. These are words you will need to restore your MetaMask Wallet if it’s ever removed from your computer.

Click the 3 dots next to your account name:

Then click “Copy Address to clipboard”:

This is the ERC20 SCALE receiving address that you will enter at and follow the instructions on the page

To View your SCALE Tokens

Click on “TOKENS”:

Then click on “ADD TOKEN”:

Enter the following:

Token Contract Address: 0x92bc46890929b9f6d27E1882D13852801Ef8A8CD Token Symbol: SCALE

Decimals of Precision: 18

and click “Add”:

You can now see the SCALE token in your MetaMask wallet:

Remember, SCALE tokens will be sent within 48 hours of swapping your Legacy SCALE coins. So, please be patient!

If you want a mobile wallet use Trust (Android)(IOS) and if you want a desktop wallet use Mist.

If you have any questions please join us on Slack, or email us at

