Upgrading SCALE to SCALE Weight

Kane Thomas
Sigil Platform
Published in
5 min readAug 4, 2018

Upgrading your SCALE to SCALE Weight (SW) is the main mechanism to interact with The Scale Network and earn SCALE. This mechanism is typically called “staking” which comes from the consensus protocol Proof of Stake or PoS. However, in the case of SCALE and many other ERC20 tokens, a true PoS consensus is not actually possible. This means that using the word “staking” does not accurately capture what is happening when you convert your SCALE to SW. Because of this, we will refer to “staking” in the case of SCALE as “upgrading” to SW because when you “stake” your tokens are actually removing SCALE from your main balance and moving it to a different balance ledger. In this article, I’m going to show you two of the easiest ways to upgrade your SCALE to SW. Please note that for either method you’re going to need to have a small amount, less than $1, of Ether in your wallet in order to convert to SW.


The easiest way to upgrade to SW is to navigate to the main scalenetwork.io site and click the “Manage My Coins” section. This method will work with any browser wallet.

Next you will find an easy to use interface that connects to any browser wallet and helps you upgrade your SCALE to SW. Be sure to read all the descriptions and instructions!


If you’re not using a browser based wallet, the next easiest way to upgrade to SW is by using myetherwallet.com. When go to the site, you’re going to want to navigate to the “contracts” tab, as pictured below.

Next you’ll need two pieces of information. First is the contract address, which is the address where the SCALE token code lives. This is the contract address.


Lastly, you’re going to need the contract’s ABI. You can find this by navigating here and scrolling down to the to the “contract ABI” section, as pictured below. You’ll want to hit the copy button in the top right, navigate back to myetherwallet, and past it in the ABI section.

When you are done, myetherwallet should look like this.

Next, you’ll click the “Access” button, and if you’ve input everything correctly your screen should show a “Read / Write Contract” section like the one pictured below.

Click the “Select a function” dropdown and select the “stakeScale” function. Your screen should now look like the picture below.

Now this part is very important. The text box for the stake amount is expecting a special type of number, which is 10¹⁸ less than the number you would expect when entering your amount. The easiest way to ensure that you enter the correct amount is to take the amount you want to enter, for example “100”, and multiple that number by 10¹⁸ in google or wolfram alpha and paste the result into the _stakeAmount text field. In the example of 100 SCALE, you would enter 100000000000000000000.

Now you’ll have the option to connect any of the different types of wallets that myetherwallet supports. Just click your preferred option, then click the “Connect to X” button. Be sure to follow all instructions. Once you’ve successfully connected you should get a verification message show up at the bottom of your screen and the wallet options will go away. Double check that the amount you have entered is correct, and then can click the “WRITE” button at the bottom. You should now see the popup below.

You do not need to touch either of these inputs, and you can proceed to click “Generate Transaction”, and now your screen should look like the one below. Click “Yes, I am Sure”.

Depending on what wallet you’ve chosen, you will likely receive a prompt confirmation through your wallet. You will be prompted with the option on how much Gas you would like to pay for the transaction. If you’re unfamiliar with Gas in Ethereum, it’s the fee that’s paid in order for transactions to be processed on the Ethereum network. The higher the Gas cost, the faster the transaction will be confirmed. Most of the time, 2 gwei is sufficient to have your transaction confirmed in a few minutes, but always be sure to check ethgasstation.info for what the network’s current suggested Gas cost is.

Once you’ve determined the Gas cost you want to use, confirm the transaction on your respective wallet and you should then see a confirmation message on returning to myetherwallet.

To check the status of your transaction, you can go to etherscan and type in your Ethereum address. Scroll down to transactions, and you should now see the pending transaction. Depending on the congestion of the Ethereum network it might take a few minutes for the transaction to show up, so if it doesn’t show up immediately, just refresh a few minutes later and check again. To be absolutely sure that your SCALE has been upgraded to SW, you can go here and scroll down to the stakeBalances section, input your address, and click “Query”. This will look like the image below.


In the future, the SCALE team will add more wallet options to manage your SCALE Weight directly on scalenetwork.io to make the process as easy as possible. We hope that everyone finds this guide useful, but if you encounter any problems please join the community in our telegram, as there are always community members willing to help out!

