Introducing: The Siglo Data Infrastructure

Siglo Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Come take a look inside

A fundamental part of the Siglo Protocol is the information that is collected from users across the ecosystem and how that is stored, used, or shared. Siglo will create an ecosystem and framework for user date based on six pillars:

  1. Ownership (All information collected ALWAYS belongs 100% to the user)
  2. Privacy (All information collected must be safely stored without risk of being compromised)
  3. Right to Share (A user may has a right to share his or her information if they decide sufficient incentive to do so exists)
  4. Monetization (If information is being monetized with a user’s permission, that value must go predominantly to the user who information was shared)
  5. Transparency (To maintain the highest integrity, everything needs to be transparent: what was shared, when, with whom, and how much value was generated by the transaction)
  6. Permissions. (Users must control with whom any of their information is shared and to what extent)

In order to support these pillars, we’ve built the Siglo Data Infrastructure (SDI) to support the monetization of users interactions with the different actors.

Although blockchain promises to be the technology that will reconstruct the Internet as we know it today there’s still no proven and efficient way to process large amounts of transactions. Because of this, Siglo’s infrastructure will be a hybrid one, utilizing the blockchain where it makes sense but using offchain servers to store most information, encrypted and linked using a hash pointer. This allows for the highest security and integrity of data, and a user has full control of his or her information.

Before the token generation event, Siglo will have an MVP of the infrastructure available that will provide a secure storage of personal, private data, and the storage of anonymized interaction data — which is monetizable by dApps, brands and third parties.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect this past May. GDPR is a European Union regulation addressing the way consumer’s private information is stored and managed. GDPR has been in the works for 7 years, meaning that it did not take into consideration blockchain which leaves some gray area that needs to be addressed in the near future.

GDPR applies to personal data, or information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. When data is rendered completely anonymous, GDPR protections are no longer extended to the data, as it no longer contains any personally identifiable information.

The Siglo Protocol will build its infrastructure to ensure that personal data will be secure and private, accessible only by the user with a private key, in accordance with GDPR requirements while allowing anonymized data to be publicly accessible to third parties willing to pay for it (tokens are then distributed to these users who contributed their data to a third party’s query).

California also just passed tough data regulation laws. Jurisdictions like California and Europe are leading the way and raising the bar on integrity and privacy of data.

As a global player, Siglo will work to comply with the most stringent of regulations and be a part of leading the discussion on the topic.

by Joel Phillips, Co Founder of Siglo



Siglo Blog

A Blockchain Protocol for Digital & Financial Inclusion