Cracking the Code: Solar Flares

Parvathi Nair
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2023

In today’s interconnected world, where technology relies heavily on radio communications and space exploration, the study of space weather and its effects on Earth has gained paramount importance. One breakthrough technique that has emerged involves amateur radio operators using the Doppler Shift method to detect solar flares. For instance, Brian Curtis of Michigan was able to demonstrate the Doppler Shift method on 20th June of this year. He was able to monitor the field strength and frequency of a time station located in Canada using this method and was able to detect a shift in the station’s frequency during an X-class flare.

Colourized image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory space telescope showing a powerful solar flare blast from the sun on March 31, 2022. (Image credit: NASA)

Solar Flares: Unveiling the Sun’s Explosive Power

Solar flares occur when the energy trapped in ‘twisted’ magnetic fields (typically above sunspots) is suddenly released which causes a massive explosion on the sun. They release energetic particles into space and have a huge and direct impact on Earth. The ionosphere of the earth and radio communications systems get the burnt end of the stick. Understanding and detecting these flares is crucial for forecasting “space weather” and to study the impact of solar activity on the Earth.

The solar flares are categorized according to their brightness in X-ray wavelengths as X-class, M-class, and C-class flares are the three classifications. X-class flares are the major ones that are significant occurrences which can potentially cause radio blackouts throughout the world and persistent radiation storms in the upper atmosphere.

Ionosphere and the Doppler Shift Method:

Talking about the affected party, there are several areas in the Earth’s atmosphere where electrically charged atoms and molecules are present in quite high concentrations. These areas are collectively referred to as the ionosphere. The atoms and gas molecules in the ionosphere are continually being struck by high-energy X-rays and ultraviolet (UV) radiations from the Sun. Some of these collisions cause the atoms and molecules’ and free electrons’ electrons to be knocked loose, resulting in electrically charged ions and free electrons. Unlike the usual electrically neutral atoms and molecules, these electrically charged ions and electrons move and behave in a different way.

The radiation from a solar flare ionizes the air around Earth, which as a result increases its thickness which causes radio stations operating in the ionosphere to lose track of their Doppler frequency. Some of the shortwave stations like CHU, WWV, and WWVH can provide a suitable source for monitoring the Doppler effect as they transmit carriers with atomic clock grade frequency stability. Most of the stations in this set operate the Grape V1, a low- to intermediate-frequency receiver designed for Doppler measurements.

The Doppler effect which is also referred to as the Doppler shift, is the apparent shift in frequency of a wave caused by an observer moving relative to the wave source.


In conclusion, the innovative use of amateur radio operators in detecting solar flares through the Doppler Shift method marks a significant advancement in our understanding of space weather and detection of solar flares.

The partnership between amateur radio operators and scientific organizations — equipped with targeted receivers like the Grape V1 — shows the importance of citizen science in advancing our understanding of the cosmos. These initiatives aid in improving our readiness for space weather events and extending our understanding of the dynamic interaction between the Sun and Earth as our knowledge of solar flares and their impacts continues to advance.







