Friends Who Never Die

Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2016


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, “Other than history, there’s little incentive for them.” “I’ll admit it has taken some work, but they agreed to hear us out. Back office politics aside, it’s nice to have conversations with people outside of IT who remember the way things used to be.” Pygon paused before opening the door to the executive board room aboard the ITS One, a Victorieux class Luxury Yacht that served as Pygon’s personal transport and at least momentarily as the Imperium Technologies flagship. Pygon’s posture was always confident but he was obviously tired. The last 48 hours were taking a physical toll, and his work was just beginning. “The way things used to be… Yeah… Well, guys…” Pygon swung the door open to reveal a conference room prepared for a formal meeting but notably devoid of any of the aides and handlers associated with such meetings. “If you guys have never met before, I would like for you to meet Gibguard, Scorpio DK and Thormadragon.” The silence seemed to last an eternity.

Scorpio DK remained seated while her piercing violet eyes scanned the Imperium Technologies’ management team carefully. Her left hand twirled a light pen while her right hand remained out of sight below the table. Known for her prowess in negotiation and leadership, we all knew her right hand was undoubtedly the most dangerous weapon in the room. Thormadragon, on the other hand, never made any effort to hide his weapons. Suited in full battle armor, his face gaunt and scarred from years of hand to hand combat, he stood motionless with his arms crossed at the end of the impressive stone table. Their collective presence was even more intimidating than I’d heard in stories. Gibguard was standing between the door and the table and was wearing a Quafe t-shirt while holding a bottle of light green liquid. It was he who finally broke the silence, “You’ve arrived! Let’s acknowledge first and foremost that the capsuleers in this room have had a profound impact on the history of New Eden together. While not always on the same side, we all hail from a different age. Like it or not, this binds us. For the moment, these ties that bind will rule the day.” He offered Wierd Beard the bottle, “Pygon mentioned that you, in particular, had an appreciation for the… finer… libations.” Wierd Beard slowly took the bottle, “This… is this Absinthe? I’ve only ever heard rumors that this existed. The recipe, the source plants, were all lost with the loss of the EVE Gate. Where did you get this?” “I find that digging roots deep has certain advantages, friend. Now come, Pygon tells me that you all could stand to see some friendly faces.” Gibguard motioned towards the table. “Have a seat guys, what occurs here stays here. I’ve been working with Gibguard to get this set up and we have a lot to cover.” Pygon flipped on his commlink. “Commander, position the ship outside of scan range of all orbital bodies and cloak. If you can see anything on scan we’re not far enough away. We are not to be disturbed” “Copy sir, we will await further orders.”

Three empty chairs remained at the table. Two, ceremoniously preserved, would likely never be filled again. Belonging to Avernus and Silinary, leaders currently lost to the ages. The holocom flickered and an image of Latch filled the remaining empty seat. “Good, now we’re all here. Let’s get started.” A wry smile stretch across Pygon’s face. “But first, let’s have a taste of Gibguard’s generous gift.”

Continued From: “A Fortune Missed
Continue To: “
Blind Landings




Gamer and Twitch streamer. Former musician, tech pro, and baseball player.