Security is in Crisis and a New Journey Begins

James Wickett
Signal Sciences Labs
1 min readDec 5, 2017

Last month in San Francisco, the DevOps tribe gathered under the umbrella of DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES). This conference brought together practitioners from Disney, United Health Group, CapitalOne and even some three-letter government entities. These practitioners came together to discuss how to do DevOps in the enterprise. The conference featured speakers like Gene Kim, John Allspaw, John Willis, Damon Edwards, j:hand and many more.

A New Journey Begins

Where does security fit in? DevOps in the enterprise is basically doing “DevOps at Scale.” This means that you can’t wave your hands at real problems like security or regulatory compliance. I gave a 5-minute lightning talk on how security is in crisis and how it can move forward. This is a shortened version of the full presentation, but if you want a quick primer on where security is heading in a DevOps world, check it out!

In this talk you will see:

  • Why Information Security is in crisis.
  • A framework of 8 new practices that modern security teams most often do
  • How to approach the top 3 practices of feedback loops, creating chaos and doing adversity testing.


Join the Future

At Signal Sciences we are building the future of security for DevOps through our Web Protection Platform that defends web applications, APIs and microservices. We would love to show you how we see the future of Security. We have a free eBook on The DevOps Roadmap for Security we love to share with you.



James Wickett
Signal Sciences Labs

Head of Research at Signal Sciences, creator of gauntlt, and author of DevOps courses at / LinkedIn Learning