Signal Sciences at AWS re:Invent 2017

Andrea Swaney
Signal Sciences Labs
3 min readNov 28, 2017

We are excited to be sponsoring this year’s AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas, November 27-Dec 1. We’re there because our customers are there, and we look forward to talking with you all about cloud native security for your applications. See a customer you want to talk to on our site? Chances are, they’re running on AWS. Just ask us for an intro.

At Signal Sciences, we live for that “a-ha” moment in talking with our customers. It happens when they hear how our approach addresses the pitfalls of legacy WAF approaches, as well as the headaches of other RASP technologies. Signal Sciences Web Protection Platform makes it simple to protect web applications, APIs and microservices on any platform, including AWS, because it’s software that is cloud native which scales elastically. You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth mentioning again that 95% of our customers run in blocking mode for their production applications across the broadest set of threats.

A few AWS specific highlights:

  1. We’re sponsoring Re:invent — come see us at booth #2212 during the show floor hours 11/28–30 (or request a meeting with one of our founders/execs)
  2. We’ve joined the AWS Partner Program to be a part of more app security conversations as companies move to the cloud.
  3. We have launched an AMI offering in AWS Marketplace!

Companies building or moving their applications to AWS choose us for 4 main reasons:

We deliver fastest time to value. Customers install us faster than any other solution they’re testing. They put us into blocking mode faster as well, due to the transparency we give them into why we flagged an IP.

You can install us anywhere without code changes. Not running all of your apps on AWS? No problem, we’re a software based solution that runs everywhere, meaning you have one management tool to secure all of your web applications.

Broadest protection of attacks classes — OWASP Top 10, bots, account takeovers, and other business logic/application abuse/misuse. Turns out the OWASP Top 10 isn’t the thing that keeps most security people up at night. Instead, customers care about surfacing anomalies and attacks in sensitive business transactions that Signal Sciences can see because of where we install.

We get development and ops involved in security. This is due to the most comprehensive and flexible integrations in the industry. It’s your data after all, so access it however you like. We have a fully documented API to feed into your SIEM. You can also send alerts to the DevOps tools you’re already using.

But don’t just listen to us, take it from one of those customers I mentioned in the beginning: “WeWork chose Signal Sciences to protect its web applications and acquisition properties on our AWS infrastructure. Signal Sciences gives us instant visibility and protection since it deploys and scales automatically within our AWS instances, without requiring anyone to write or configure rules.” -JJ Agha, Director of Information Security at WeWork”

We’ll see you in Vegas!

