Tyler Shields
Signal Sciences Labs
4 min readJul 26, 2016

We are just getting into the heart of conference season for 2016, and with that comes the latest and greatest round of SWAG! SWAG can be a funny thing. As a marketing professional we have to make sure we properly represent the brand, get people interested in our company and products, and get some buzz created. As a security professional I used to only pick up, talk about, and covet, swag that was truly cool and useful. I hated picking up some boring piece of swag that would end up another rag in my junk drawer or given to my kids the minute I got home (useless stress balls anyone?!).

The big summer security conference each year is Blackhat USA and DEFCON. These two conferences are back to back in Las Vegas in August.. YES AUGUST. It’s hot as hades so instead of taking you to some boring conference center where you get to collect boring stress balls and dart gun give aways, we are having a party in our own private Cabanas at the pool!

To help break the heat at our event, we at Signal Sciences have decided to give you something that you will get miles of usage from. Without further delay, we bring you Signal Sciences 2016 BEACH SWAG!

Don’t want to bring your own flip flops? Great, we’ve got you covered!

Kickass Flipflops!

Everyone needs protection for their feet. Summer in Las Vegas can cause the blacktop to reach temperatures of 200+ degrees Farenheight. That’ll cause some gnarly burns on the bottom of your feed that no quantity of margaritas at the pool will take care of… ok.. enough margaritas will take care of anything, but that’s a topic for another blog post.

Doesn’t it look plush?!

A Plush Beach Towel!

You can’t really go in and out from a conference dripping water all over the Mandalay bay floor for your meetings. You have to have something that will keep you dry enough to put on your best hacker t-shirt and shorts for the show. So Signal Sciences is going to provide you with a Beach Towel. That’s right, we will have a limited supply of custom made beach towels for you to take home and use at the pool. You can represent your nerd swag while taking your toddler into the kiddie pool by your house.

You would think that would be enough swag for one summer, but not for us. We are throwing in a bunch of other really useful odds and ends to help with your summer fun including one amazing item. A limited edition, hard to find …


Signal Sciences Yeti Colster!

If you don’t know what a Yeti Colster is you are really missing out. It’s the best way to keep a beer (or soda if you are so inclined) cold for a long period of time in the summer. We are talking HOURS! Originally designed as fishing coolers, Yeti is known for it’s ability to keep ice frozen for .. like EVER!!

Click here for a nerdy scientific review of the Yeti Colster on Gizmodo

Yeti has now put their technology into a Koozi that is more effective at allowing you to “nurse your beer way too slowly than you should” than anything ever before created. If you come see us this summer at Blackhat and Defcon, and we have any left, you too can have a shot at grabbing your own Yeti Colster on us. Have a great summer on Signal Sciences.

And of course we’ve got a couple of more things up our sleeves like T-Shirts, stickers, web cam covers, and sunblock. Make sure to stop by our cabanas between Wednesday and Saturday to meet the Signal Sciences crew and get your SWAG on!

If you haven’t done so already, make sure to sign up now!

Signal Sciences Blackhat USA Cabana Daze
Wednesday and Thursday at the Mandalay Bay

Signal Sciences DEF CON Cabana Daze at the Paris Hotel
Friday and Saturday at the Mandalay Bay

See you at Black Hat and DEF CON next week!

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At Signal Sciences we are building the industry’s first Next Generation Web Application Firewall (NGWAF). Our NGWAF was built in response to our own frustrations of trying to use legacy WAFs while enabling business initiatives like DevOps, cloud adoption and continuous delivery. The Signal Sciences NGWAF works seamlessly across cloud, physical, and containerized infrastructure, providing security without breaking production traffic.

Don’t forget the sign up for our upcoming webinar on Thursday!

Can’t make it? Sign up anyway! We’ll send slides and a link to the webinar recording after the event!



Tyler Shields
Signal Sciences Labs

VP Marketing, Partnerships, Strategy for Signal Sciences