Basecamp says welcome to five new people!

Five fresh faces at Basecamp for 2017

Signal v. Noise


Basecamp is bigger than its ever been, but in the grand scheme of software companies serving well over a hundred thousand paying customers, we’re still pretty small at 52 people. So that means every hire is kinda a big deal! And we’ve made five in 2017, so I thought I’d introduce them.

Tara Mann has joined our iOS team as its second designer, alongside Jason Zimdars. Our mobile teams are tiny, both iOS and Android got by with just one designer and two programmers since inception. But we thought it was time to have an extra mind in the mix to explore a wider array of designs before we dive into implementation. We’re thrilled to have Tara be that mind! She hails from New York and previously worked at Twitter.

Rosa Gutiérrez Escudero has joined our Security, Infrastructure, and Performance team as a programmer with a special focus on on-call investigations. We’ve long rotated amongst all programmers the on-call responsibilities, dealing with customer issues that need deeper technical investigations and may require elaborate root-cause fixes. But as the burden has grown, and the breath of programmers we employ has widened, it was time for some dedicated attention. Rosa brings that attention and then some. A direct exchange from the team evaluating her application: “Jim: Holy shit. Ann: Indeed”. Rosa joins us from Madrid, Spain and has worked in software, as a cupcake barista, at a chocolate startup, and in academia. What a delicious background!

Shanae Dykes has joined Team OMG to help customers over email, phone, twitter, and wherever else they may need to reach us. The support team has been the fastest growing part of Basecamp in the last few years, as we’ve sought to offer 24/7 responses within 15 minutes or less the majority of the time. All that while signing up thousands of new businesses every week. Shanae is going to help us cope with that. She is from Alabama and helpfully gave us a quick training course in Southern slang we she joined, so we knew what “yonder” and “britches” meant before she started chiming in the campfires. She used to work at Apple in Applecare.

Ashley Bowe has also joined Team OMG. She’s in the minority of Basecamp employees who actually live in Chicago where we have our office. She was born in Argentina, but the place she really wants to go back to soon is Iceland, and it’s pretty hard to argue with that! Ashley worked at Venmo and Uber in the past.

Flora Saramago has joined the Core Product team as to work alongside Jeff, Pratik, and Tom as a Ruby on Rails programmer. She was the final, incredibly hard choice out of 600+ applicants to one of those rare general-purpose Rails openings we haven’t had in years. She impressed us deeply with her writing, multi-year wins in Rails Rumble, and volunteer coaching for Rails Girls. Flora joins us from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and worked at XL Solutions before.

So that’s the five wonderful women who’ve joined Basecamp in 2017. If you’d like to work with Tara, Rosa, Shanae, Ashley, Flora, and the rest of the Basecamp crew, we currently just have two openings on our Ops team. But if that’s you, please do apply.



Signal v. Noise

Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at Basecamp (formerly 37signals), NYT Best-selling author of REWORK and REMOTE, and Le Mans class-winning racing driver.