Helpful Business Advice From Friends Of Highrise

Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2017


Photo by Toa Heftiba

Should Small Companies Offer Online Classes and Demos?

Alison Grove makes another appearance on the terrific podcast Support Ops talking about whether companies should offer online classes and demos.

10 Ways to Land High-Paying Gigs As A Freelancer

Austin Church talks about how he turned a terrible thing of getting laid off into the opportunity of a freelance career and his tips into making that a success. Hint: use a CRM to keep you focused

How Can Companies Get Better At Personalization?

Matthew Grant at Aberdeen Essentials asked me some interview questions on the state of personalization in marketing. I mentioned some mistakes people are making as well as some fantastic marketing campaigns we should be inspired by.

The Secret To More Deals? The Follow Up.

Dee Greene of D&G Media Services started a vlog and in this video gives some advice on using Highrise to stay on top of following up with your leads.

11 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Web Traffic Or Making Money!

Julie Syl shares some advice on getting more website traffic. Thanks for the shout out Julie about our marketing site. There’s some great advice in here, not the least of which is being more generous: You’re Not Getting Website Traffic Because You’re Not Promoting Others.

How to Get Your First Customer

Had a few people ask me this question recently, so I’ve started making a playlist of advice on the topic. Some great tactical stuff in here and more to soon follow. Stay tuned! You should follow my YouTube channel: here.

I hope you enjoy the things we’ve been sharing. If there’s anything you’d be interested in us covering, or if you’d like to interview any of us, we’d love to chat. Please don’t hesitate to reach out (



Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft ( Watch: Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO