Highrise Mobile 3.1 now on iOS AND Android

Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2017

Just a couple months ago, we announced iOS 3.0 and today we’re thrilled to announce BOTH a 3.1 version for iOS and Android.

For iOS users, since we just released iOS 3.0, this iteration has a lot of tweaks and fixes so you’ll see fewer crashes and bugs.

For our Android users, you’ll get all of the iOS 3.0 updates like the ability to search leads and contacts by tags.

And a lot more Task features brought into the app.

And more… like support for predefined values on custom fields, incorrectly formatted international phone numbers, copying fields from a contact, and emojis in notes, emails and comments.

A recent iOS review:

4* We’re a small sales organization with tons of complex interaction with our customers. We depend heavily and love Highrise on our desktops and laptops. I’ve been a beta tester for the upgrade iOS app for a few months and have been happy to see everything they’ve added and improved in this latest version….chuckamos

But what we’re really excited about is that from here on out we’ll continue to release BOTH iOS AND Android updates AT THE SAME TIME (read here for more technical details on how that’s possible).

And in case you haven’t been paying attention, our mobile updates have been much more frequent this year. We’re working on another big one coming soon…hint:

And if you love it, please give us a review. If not, let us know what we can improve: support@highrisehq.com.



Nathan Kontny
Signal v. Noise

Y Combinator alum. Created Draft (http://draftin.com). Watch: https://youtube.com/nathankontny. Previous: Highrise CEO, Rockstar Coders CTO