The importance of a press kit

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2 min readJul 18, 2016

Promoting content. It’s something we all seem to do one way or another, either consciously or subconsciously. Whether this is sharing a song via social media or through wearing your favourite pair of Nike shoes, it all falls under this very subject.

One of the main services we provide at the Signalfire headquarters is promoting content for music industry initiatives — and we believe that a quality press kit sits at the forefront of any further steps taken promotion-wise. It gives anyone — and specifically the ‘right’ people — an insight in the content you’ve created. By making sure you have information about your release, attached artwork and audio compiled in an easy-to-read format, you’ll be steps away from presenting this visual and audial content neatly. You could benefit from using a music management / PR agency to get the packet delivered to the right contacts, publications and of course audiences.

Signalfire —

One piece of advice: Don’t hurry with promotion. Take your time to line out the right promotional campaign with the help of the compiled press kit (and your trusted management agency or PR company). The 21st century is all about the experience, so you better take advantage of that!

In need of a press kit, promotional / PR campaign or anything else? Feel free to get in touch with us via: hello [at]




Press, design & audio services for soundsystem music.