Reinvention & Reconsideration: Don’t call it Comeback. Road to a Come-Up

“I CAN’T DO IT” I whined as my occupational therapist aided me in my reaching and grabbing exercises.

“It’s ok that’s why you’re here.” She reassured.

-My Occupational therapist

That’s why you’re in therapy”

She responded evenly, calmly. I felt relieved and comforted.

Did she guarantee My full recovery?


Did she give me hope that I will improve?


I hadn’t realized I had lost that hope. I didn’t realize I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I buried myself in my present struggle and inabilities creating a hole of despair, a vacuum for motivation and promise. I sought comfort in my negative mental spiral. I was accustomed to the feeling of hopelessness so much so I welcomed it no matter that it was hindering my progress and poisoning my positive visualization (which is hella effective in recovery according to OT’s, PT’s and neuroscientists! ). I was falling into the common thought traps according to my cognitive behavioral therapist, a neuro-psych fellow! Common traps include:

Here are 5 Patterns of Thinking according to Dr. Burns.



Signed Out: How my two strokes signed me out of my painstakingly planned medical education

I'm a 4th year medical student recovering from two strokes. I'm here navigating my new life & life in general. come follow me! join me! It'll be an adventure!