The Keepers of The Truth

Jamie Weiss
Signed, Sealed, Adopted.
3 min readMar 2, 2022

As an adoptee, both born and adopted in states that seal original birth certificates thereby keeping the identity of adopted persons secret, I have been involved with efforts to secure equal rights for adoptees in recent years. Currently, there are only 10 states in the United States that allow adult adopted persons the unrestricted right to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate. (See which ones on this map.) Adoptees, biological parents, and adoptive parents are working hard to change this. It is long, tiring work and it doesn’t always produce the desired results. But we will persist!

The following is a poem I wrote directed towards the legislators of not only Georgia and Virginia, the states that hold my truth, but to all of the states that hold the truths of adoptees across this nation and around the world.

To The Keepers of The Truth

Hear my voice.
Listen to my plea.
Release the seal
on my identity.

I should know.
It is my right.
For truth and transparency,
I will fight.

Legal fictions
are still merely lies.
You can’t make it so
no matter how hard you try.

I wasn’t born there.
Or to these people.
That wasn’t my name!
How is this legal?

Give me it straight -
the facts of my birth.
I want the truth
of my first day on earth.

Hear my voice!
Listen to my plea!
Release the seal
on my identity!

County courthouse with blue skies and white clouds in the background

I also recently wrote this poem The Secrets Must Die about sealed records and the solidarity of the adoptees, biological parents, and adoptive parents that have formed alliances and coalitions to petition for truth and transparency.

The Secrets Must Die

This task may be challenging,
but we won’t be derailed.
We will break through
the false secrecy veil.
We cannot be silent.
Our stories we must tell.

To the steps of the capitol
we will walk hand in hand,
and let the assembly of lawmakers
hear our demands.
The law must change.
The time is at hand.

We will work together,
you and I,
for truth and transparency
to end all the lies.
Open the records!
The secrets must die.

If you would like to get involved with advocating for adoptee rights, please join these organizations in their efforts:



Jamie Weiss
Signed, Sealed, Adopted.

Wife, special needs mom, adoptee, professional photographer, writer, and lover of all things sweet!