Life, Death, Light, and the Big Boost

Welcome to your June edition of Signified

Remy Dean
Published in
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10 min readJun 1, 2023


Art is a great talking point. Why not start a conversation by forwarding this newsletter to someone you know who shares your love of art?

First, Some Super Signifier News:

Boost! 🚀
You may have heard about the new-style Medium Boost — it’s a curatorial system intended to help match the writer's words to the reader’s interests and to ensure great quality stories get the exposure they deserve. The programme involves a team actively seeking-out quality content and making it more visible across Medium. Of course, this benefits both the writers and the readers. At present, Boost involves selected publication editors scouting for articles related to their topic of expertise and nominating those articles to the Medium Curation Team for a Boost that promotes the content far and wide to target audiences.

Signifier’s consistent quality was recognised and our editor, Remy Dean, was among the first 30 invited to join the Boost Nomination Pilot team. Although Remy may nominate art, design, and media articles from across Medium, writers submitting to Signifier are, obviously, more likely to attract his editorial attention. So, if you’ve been thinking of submitting a story to Signifier or showing your…




Published in Signifier

The Signifier : studies in ART, design, & media

Remy Dean
Remy Dean

Written by Remy Dean

Author, Artist, Lecturer in Creative Arts & Media. ‘This, That, and The Other’ fantasy novels published by The Red Sparrow Press.

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