Samsung’s S10 Wallet and the Importance of Staying Two Steps Ahead

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3 min readMar 6, 2019

In light of recent news about Samsung’s Galaxy S10 coming with a built-in cryptocurrency wallet, I wanted to share why it was important for SignKeys to be ahead of the game.

Corporations like Samsung getting involved in the crypto space is an important step towards mass adoption. It increases confidence and validates our efforts. However, mass adoption is not just about having another crypto wallet with the same functions and features other wallets have, but about trust and how we behave.

While this revelation shows great progress and strides towards general acceptance of crypto and blockchain, the S10 wallet poses a few questions:

  1. Is the Samsung wallet guaranteed?
  2. Can you purchase crypto directly from your wallet without going to an exchange via atomic swaps?
  3. Can you send and receive crypto without making mistakes copying and pasting wallet addresses?
  4. Can you send crypto via any messaging platform as easy as sending a message?
  5. Do you get rewarded and earn tokens for sharing?
  6. Does is support any digital asset, not just crypto? (e.g ID/KYC)
  7. Does it currently support 220+ crypto currencies, not just Bitcoin or Ethereum?
  8. Does it integrate seamlessly to payment gateways?
  9. Can it work on non Samsung devices?

If you answered ‘no’ to all these questions, then there is a better solution.

If it wasn’t made obvious already, these are all features of the SignKeys Secure Wallet.

In addition to those, for assurance, SignKeys Secure Wallet’s code is approved by Samsung to leverage their secure mobile device hardware. But we go beyond just Samsung products and can leverage the hardware based security on over 1.6 billion mobile devices.

SignKeys Secure Wallet already supports atomic swaps, which allows you to exchange crypto pairs directly across wallets. In other words, we weren’t just two steps ahead, we were a few years early! (Seriously, we’ve been working on this for the past two years). This is what blockchain was supposed to do; not having to deal with centralized 3rd parties such as exchanges.

Good Digital ID is the foundation for financial inclusion which SignKeys is certainly taking a step beyond traditional wallets by including a unique feature of Digital Identification, not just crypto.

Most corporations are inherently siloed in their solutions. This is a major reason why we were able to progress ahead of them. We are unified, scalable and secure.

The bottom line is this: We are not just a crypto wallet or token that has no use, but a platform and token that has immediate use value and work hand in hand in a unique way. It has always been important for us to address issues of digital security and ease of use to restore trust in crypto and blockchain, and with the SignKeys Secure Wallet, we’ve worked to accomplish just that, and much more.

I feel really good when I see stories like this being followed by big multinationals as it validates us more and more.

It’s just that we are always going to be two steps ahead.

Follow us for more on what we are doing in the areas of mass adoption and replacing QR codes and POS terminals.

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