How To: Set Up An “Away Message” For Your Cell Phone

Andrew Montesantos
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2018

Getting back in the driver seat of your mobile device(Part 1 of 2)

Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, because you’re about to get a crash course in mobile mindfulness.

I’m excited to share a simple iPhone hack that has worked wonders for me over the past year. It takes about a minute to set up the first time, but more than makes up for it down the road.

For the full walkthrough, check out the infographic below, and make sure to come back and finish reading when you’re done!

Auto Reply for Android

Don’t worry Android users, I didn’t forget about you. As usual, you’ve got a bit more flexibility in terms of customizing your device, so you’ll have a number of options for setting this up. The best one I’ve found is this one, on the Google Play store, that allows you to schedule your auto-replies among other features.

Now that you’ve turned your phone into a virtual secretary, you can enjoy the rest of my (auto)mobile metaphors undisturbed.

Even if you’ve used the normal Do Not Disturb mode before, activating the auto-reply feature may feel strange at first. Depending on how personal you make your message, it can feel a bit formal. But I challenge you to stick with it. Having been at it for almost a year, here’s what I’ve learned:

  • People would rather know that their message is unseen than wonder if it’s being ignored.
  • Digital wellness is a hot topic and this message is a great conversation starter.
  • It leads directly to more phone calls and face time.
  • Real emergencies are extremely rare. Everyone’s definition is different, but I’ve yet to miss a truly urgent message/call.*
  • (almost) Everyone will respect your space. The occasional Bitmoji will come through as “urgent”, but trolls have short attention spans.
  • If it rubs someone the wrong way, then they most likely aren’t someone you should be communicating with in the first place.

*Messages can be pushed through if followed by the text “urgent”. Similarly, multiple calls from the same number will go through if they’re within 3-minutes of each other.

Whether or not this away message becomes part of your mental maintenance routine, the most important step is creating more distance between you and your device. In a literal sense, this can mean putting it away when you get home or charging it outside your bedroom at night. If that’s too ambitious, something as simple as silencing your ringer can make a big difference. For more mindful methods, stay tuned for Part 2…

…It’s time we start driving our mobiles instead of letting them drive us.

Andrew is the Founder of SignOff, where he inspires and enables more mindful relationships between humans and their devices.

