Tech Bro Navigating Life And Looking To Make More Money

Published in
5 min readMar 18, 2022

SikaLife is a new bi-weekly column where we interact with young people in Ghana about their finances and exciting experiences on how they earn and spend their income powered by InvestSika. You can share your own story anonymously here.

Q: When was the first time you spent money? Can you recall?

Yes, I do, and it was in primary school.

Q: How did you spend it?

I had to buy a textbook I needed, and my dad gave me cash to buy it

Q: Tell us about the first time you earned money yourself

I started a Yoghurt and recharge card business in my second year of senior secondary school. I also had a short stint as a maize and poultry farmer and made substantial returns

Q: What was your first salary, and how big has it grown today?

I got paid for a web design gig, and it was N80,000. It’s grown pretty steadily since then.

Q: What is your life motto or philosophy?

“Believe in the process, and don’t forget to be soft while at it.”

Q: What ten things would you do if you won 500k cedis today?

Gadget upgrade

“I for lef Ghana” plans

Send money home



Buy properties

Q: Which option best applies to your lifestyle today?

Earn More Money

Q: What is the worst investment decision you have ever made? Feel free to share more than one?

None yet (tempted to say crypto but WAGMI👀)

WAGMI is a popular term used by people in the crypto community, it translates to We are all gonna make it

Q: …And what is the best investment decision you have ever made to date?

I would say Investing in myself. I’ve spent substantial time and money learning to improve myself, and I have no personal regrets.

Q: How much do you need in the bank to comfortably retire?

300 million cedis

Q: This is big boy money, do you mind telling us what you do for work?

I do Tech Management

Q: Of course, you’re a tech bro, but how financially rewarding is this path for you?

Fairly rewarding

Q: What does the term Tech bro mean?

A bro that does tech

Tech bros is a term used to describe nerds and people typically employed in the tech industry.

Q: Considering the inflation rate in Ghana, are you looking to leave the country anytime?

Many young people in Ghana know this “I for lef Ghana” meme. Unfortunately, I don’t have it, but I think many people plan to leave the country (and maybe the continent) sooner or later. So, yes.

Q: Do you have any investments? How are you looking to invest this year?

Yes, I do. Many things are going on globally that affect the markets, so this year, I plan to make more calculated investments.

Q: That is smart! Tell us about something you wished you could afford when you were little that you afford now, and it doesn’t mean so much

I would say getting my place. I used to look forward to generally improving my living standard constantly, but now that I can and doing so, it’s like meh.

Q: How financially responsible are you on a scale of 10?


Q: Tell us about something you found out super late about money you wish you had done earlier?

You should always earn more; you can’t save your way to riches. Invest, maybe, but ultimately, make more money.

Q: At a restaurant, what do you pay with: momo, card, or cash?


Q: Do you have an emergency fund?


Q: How frequently do you set this fund aside? And what do you consider an emergency?

I set it aside monthly. And unplanned expenses like travel, bill, or family needs are considered emergencies.

Q: Tell us about your worst Uber/Bolt/Yango Payment experience

I am good at reading maps. So this driver intentionally missed a turn, and because I was in a meeting, he thought I didn’t know where we were headed. I immediately told him, and he feigned ignorance. I had to show him the direction on the map and the turn he missed, and he kept apologizing. The fee was inflated by about 50% (yes, I calculated), and he said I should pay anything I wanted. So I added about 20% to the initial charge, and I left.

Q: Tell us about a time you were stranded financially; how was that experience?

At the airport, there was some weird COVID charge I wasn’t aware of before traveling, and they compelled us to pay before leaving the airport else we wouldn’t go; I had to call someone to send me money. Of course, they were bluffing about not leaving the airport, but I wasn’t in the mood for stress.

Q: Tell us about your worst debt experience?

I generally shy away from debt. I only have a few friends from whom I have ever loaned (they know themselves), and I always pay them back before time.

Q: Love small circles. So tell us the most amount you have spent on food before?

*Laughing* 980 cedis. I won’t be explaining

Q: hahaha, Okay, so what is the most exciting thing about your city today?

I’m guessing Accra. It’s chilled. Pretty much, that’s it.

Q: How many Ghanaian-made apps do you have on your phone right now? ECG app included, of course

I’m tempted to overanalyze this question and say do you mean apps with at least a Ghanaian software developer? Or a Ghanaian founder? But anyway, I have 3.

Q: What are six apps you use every day?

Gmail, Tiktok, Figma mirror, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Spotify

Q: What is the most expensive thing you own today?

Laptop and TV

Q: If you were to caption this article about you, what would the title be?

Story of a Tech bro navigating life and looking to make more money

Q: Not bad at all. Any other exciting money-related experience you want to share?

No, there isn’t

Q: What did you like about the InvestSika app you tested recently?

I love the community approach to investing.

SikaLife is a new bi-weekly column where we interact with young people in Ghana about their finances and exciting experiences on how they earn and spend their income powered by InvestSika. You can share your own story anonymously here.




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