Sikoba May 2019 — Update

Sikoba Network
Sikoba Network
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2019

This month we have started preparations for ZKLux#1 — Luxembourg’s First Zero Knowledge Days.


ZKLux#1 — Luxembourg’s First Zero Knowledge Days Wednesday 26th — Thursday 27th June 2019

ZKP (zero-knowledge proofs) is a method to prove the knowledge of some fact, without revealing that fact. It is already used in several blockchains and is expected to have a major impact on applications that involve transactions, identity systems, and proprietary information in general.

ZKLux#1 is the perfect occasion to find out about this exciting and important new technology!

Venue: House of Startups / LHoFT, 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg

www.zklux.euRegister Here

We have also published the following articles and papers:

BulletproofsDmitry Khovratovich

Enterprise features of the Fantom Network — Alex Kampa in collaboration with George Samman for

An Introduction to FANTOM Network Tokens — Alex Kampa in collaboration with George Samman for

We also attended ZK-LDN 0x01: zk-SNARKs — How to develop and use them in practice” in London and Guillaume Drevon hosted a Zero-knowledge proof workshop: a hands-on introduction to isekai, where participants were shown how to generate actual proofs of simple C programs.

Coming Up:

Contact us on telegram if you would like to help us build the Sikoba community and earn some SKO tokens!

5–6 June— Alex Kampa will be in Helsinki for the Arctic 15 event.

26–27 June — ZKLux#1: Luxembourg’s First Zero Knowledge Days



Sikoba Network
Sikoba Network

Sikoba — #Defi for the real world. Our goal is to #reduceMoneyDependency for communities worldwide!