Sikoba November 2019 — Update

Nimisha Sikoba
Sikoba Network
Published in
2 min readDec 2, 2019

This month we have been working on development of the sikoba platform along with launching isekai 1.0 and introducing a new project: itugen — anonymous and transparent voting on blockchain.

Sikoba platform development update

Our Sikoba Development Update has details of the progress we have made on our platform. This includes creating a more flexible money type, creating payment capacity and payment options, implementing the IOU payment core functionality and a lot of internal testing.

isekai 1.0 launch

This month, we have announced the release of isekai 1.0.

isekai is the only tool to support 3 ZKP libraries and 5 proof systems: libsnark (Groth16 and BCTV14a), dalek (Bulletproofs) and libiop (Aurora and Ligero).

isekai is the first tool allowing programmers to take existing C or C++ code and generally require only slight modifications to make it compatible with isekai — we did it for sha256 as described in this post. This is because isekai supports more features of regular programming languages than any other project we know of, without using a domain specific language.

The isekai project can be found at

The development of isekai is being supported by the Fantom Foundation.

Introducing itugen

This month we have also announced itugen, a blockchain platform that will be exclusively dedicated to e-voting and that we will develop together with our partners at Fantom Foundation. Itugen will be built on top of Fantom Lachesis consensus and use the most recent advances in zero-knowledge protocols as well as quantum-resistant cryptography. It will provide maximum transparency and ease of use, while ensuring voter privacy, voter confidentiality, secrecy of ongoing voting and protection against double votes. It is also designed to be massively scalable.

More details about itugen can be found at:

