MoonGate empowers Solana Dapps with exclusive integration of MPC libraries by Silence Laboratories

Kush Kanwar
Silence Laboratories
3 min readOct 5, 2023


Kush Kanwar and MoonGate Team

December 2, 2023 — MoonGate, a leading provider of SDKs to integrate Ethereum wallets in Solana Dapps, announces an exclusive partnership with Silence Laboratories, a cryptography powerhouse offering libraries based on Multi-Party Computation (MPC), to enhance the Solana Dapp user’s asset security. The users are able to create Solana wallet using EVM, Social login and passkeys based signing options

MoonGate recognises the difficulty faced by Solana Dapp developers in onboarding Ethereum users onto their platforms. To alleviate this pain point, MoonGate offers developer-friendly SDKs with easy and quick integrations to create a Eth-Solana bridge for smoother transactions between the two. The company also offers an in-Dapp interoperable wallet with on-ramp and swaps integration.

For the users, MoonGate offers a seamless experience, with a user connecting their wallet on Solana via MoonGate and verifying their Ethereum wallet. This creates a Solana wallet in the background, which now enables users to bridge Eth tokens to Solana and experience the Solana Dapps.

Silence Laboratories, a leading provider of cryptographic libraries for decentralized signatures, authentication security, and other Multi-Party Computation (MPC) use cases, aims to augment MoonGate’s wallet security for its users. MoonGate’s users will now be able to manage their assets, without the hassle of a seed phrase or a single private key. The collaboration would allow users of MoonGate to have a majority custody of their keys without compromising on usability.

With this partnership, the private keys of MoonGate’s users will be stored as “shards” across two nodes — one in the local browser of the user and the second in a cloud node (AWS Key Management). This setup ensures that neither the Dapp, nor MoonGate has custody of the private keys, retaining the ownership with the users. Independently, no node will be capable of signing a transaction for a user, thereby mitigating a single point of failure. At no point during the process would the key be exposed or exist as a whole.

“We’re excited to partner with Silence Labs and integrate their MPC solution to make MoonGate even more secure, without compromising on the user experience. Our goal is to make Web3 accessible to everyone, and this partnership is a big step in that direction”, said Praneet, Co-Founder and CEO of MoonGate.

Dr. Jay Prakash, CEO of Silence Laboratories, added, “Customisability by our library and its introduction to the Solana ecosystem will enable wider adoption and trust among users of MoonGate. ”

About Silence Laboratories:

Silence Laboratories is a deep-tech, authentication-infrastructure provider that offers developer-focused SDKs and libraries, for protocols, wallets, and projects that can be used to embed/build distributed, zero-trust authentication and authorization products, alike. We aim to be a defacto MPC product suite for other builders. For ease of integration, we are application, protocol, and stack agnostic.

About MoonGate:

MoonGate offers a plug-n-play SDK, enabling Ethereum users to instantly onboard to Solana dApps using their native Ethereum wallet. Moongate creates an embedded experience within the dApp where the end user can perform wallet creation, bridging, swaps and onramp without ever needing to leave the dApp.

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