The Only Way To Defeat A Super Power

Part #1: The Perfect Weapon

Super Powers
Super Power
Published in
7 min readNov 12, 2020


I just want to ask you to hear me out for a brief moment, to listen to my perspective without bias and to ponder on it for just a moment. Then you can go on thinking whatever you‘d like.

Over the last few years I have come to realize our country is under attack by a coordinated group of our most powerful adversaries. It’s not like a normal attack you might picture in your head with bombs and missiles, etc, it’s a coordinated psychological warfare attack against our people using our own social media and technology as weapons.

You see, the people control the politicians, so if you control the people then you control the politicians.

One of the best ways to accomplish mass brainwashing at this time is through social media — massive social media troll farms — an army of them to be exact. It’s not difficult to interfere in our social media, I mean let’s be honest, most social media websites allow you to create an account with just a simple email address which can be easily produced online with a fake persona. In addition, there are websites out there which allow you to buy social media accounts at scale — a lot of which already have followers — and it’s cheap. So if you are wondering why people like me who are software developers here in the US, why a lot of us don’t support trump — this is why. (Keep reading)

It’s because we have been seeing numerous signs of a massive operation being carried out against our people with absolutely no effort from this administration to stop it. It’s our Achilles hill if you will — especially while trump is still in office. It’s the one area where our adversaries can mount a powerful attack against our country without us ever even fully realizing we are being attacked — it’s the perfect weapon.

Just think about it for a second, think about psychology in particular in any civilization for a second. We all know our brains are already hard wired to be tribal in nature, it just takes a little encouragement is all. Given how no bombs are going off at this time, it is natural to think we are not at war. Now think about dictatorships and how they control their people primarily using psychology, and think how good dictatorships around the world must be at massive mind control operations given how they’ve already been practicing it for some time on their own people. Now think about the worlds leading super powers and how one super power might be able to defeat another super power without suffering irreparable damages to itself. How might a super power defeat another super power realistically in the 21st century?

The only way to defeat another super power in this day and age is from within — by using psychology/mind-control on a massive scale to encourage the hard wired tribalism connection amongst the rival country’s citizens — essentially turning the citizens against each other and causing a breakdown in society — without so much as a single bomb ever being dropped.

In the meantime, assuming you control the people and you control the president, due to your long standing corruption efforts which have finally paid off, what do you do at this point if you are that rival country? You continue to divide the people while you still can — in every possible way. And you pull out your secret weapon. You might even try and rally your foreign social media followers to do something like kidnap a governor in order to jump start the unraveling of society as we know it. Essentially you can pull this whole operation off while convincing the rival country’s people, or at least one of its tribes, that your country really isn’t that bad after all. You convince the rival country’s people that someone else is really the bad guy — namely the other tribe who happens to be living right next to you. And through your control of the president and the social media, and through your ruthless dictatorship experience, you are then able to strategically plan/stage various upheavals in the rival country, using its own social media, etc, that lead to images being shared on social media with protestors from the one tribe holding signs like “defund the police”, etc, which will ultimately lead to the other tribe being able to get away with murder in the middle of our cities streets — because the police don’t want to be defunded. And they don’t want to support any opposing tribesmen whom might support that ideology. At this stage we are in the beginning phases of a planned, coordinated, sophisticated global war— all pre-meditated and carried out by some of our most powerful adversaries — with the intent to wipe US off the face of the map.

Part #2: My own personal experiences which led me to these conclusions

As a software engineer, I have seen these signs first hand for myself on numerous occasions. My whole company has adopted a pro-Russia stance thanks to our current-day tribal politics, and i subsequently witnessed how the Russian contractors we hired went on to get more access to our apis than they were supposed to have via the logs in our logging platform. At first, the Russian contractors were only hired on to do a front end project, as a result of our politics at the time and Trump preaching Russia really isn’t so bad. Initially we limited the Russian contractors access to our apis to the best extent we could. At that time in the beginning, (~2017–2018) I recall we had absolutely zero successful responses being sent to anywhere outside our country. (My company just services America after all) But shortly thereafter, once we started ramping up our Russian contracting efforts just a little further — but before we ever came anywhere close to giving the Russian contractors access to any of our backend apis — I noticed in our logging platform that out of nowhere we started having successful responses coming from Russia and China. It quickly spread to North Korea and Iran. I raised the alarm, but my superiors dismissed my concerns sadly — thanks to Russia’s control over our politics and our social media and our president — although my co-workers were clearly shaken by the alarm. However sadly they doubled down, because that was the most logical path for them at the time as opposed to being held responsible for letting the Russians into our systems wittingly. It didn’t help that I had previously dug into twitter’s api to find proof of Russia’s interference in our social media — which wasn’t difficult to find — however it meant that my latest alarm would inevitably be viewed from a tribalism lense and not taken as seriously as it deserved.

A while thereafter, I noticed now we not only were having successful responses from our most powerful adversaries countries, but almost every other country in the world slowly started lighting up on the logging platforms map of successful response ip originations. It was as if our adversaries were now selling our api access to any country who wanted access to it — and this data is not cheap. As a company we pay $25,000 per year to access just one of the apis we expose through our own api — and we integrate with countless different api providers— some of which have multiple different types of apis — each type of which they charge $25,000 per year to use. (Like $25k/year for one type of data, $25k/year for another type of data, $25k/year for financial data — all from just a single provider, and we have multiple providers, etc) So at this point it was clear to me that even though we still served only the United States of America as a company and our users were only located in the US — the whole world was hitting our apis successfully on a daily basis. and has been now for some time. It was also very clear to me that Russia is not our friend, which is a lesson I first learned while working at Utah State University previously as an intern. I passionately tried getting this point across to my superiors before we ever got in very deep with the Russian contractors. However my alarms largely went unheard, seems how I had already raised the alarm about the Russian interference in our social media previously, the tribalism effect had already kicked in and my superiors went forward with hiring the Russian contractors anyways. And if I take a step back and think about it now that we are neck deep into it, I would argue fear for the devaluation of our company is what keeps us silent. I suspect there are countless others out there in similar positions because that’s exactly how Russia corrupts people/organizations.

To conclude, our country is in the middle of the greatest threat to our republic since it’s inception, and for this reason I refuse to stay silent.

The only way to defeat a super power is from within.

