How to Defeat a Super Power

Super Powers
Super Power


Steps being taken by our most powerful adversaries to defeat US

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice on smaller countries of the same type. (i.e. smaller capitalist or socialist countries)

Increase the Amount of Foreign Agents Exponentially

You have got to increase the amount of foreign agents you have in the country exponentially. The only way to do this is by leveraging psychology and hacking to your advantage on a massive scale.

Steal Trade Secrets

You steal all the other country’s trade secrets through hacking. This gives you a significant advantage because now you essentially have access to all the latest and greatest technologies across the whole world. You can even monetize some of it by selling it to other countries.

Psychology and Manipulation**

This one is the key to literally everything. You use psychology to cause divisions within the rival country with the ultimate goal of defeating them from within by stoking tribalism.

Psychology is applied on both a mirco and macro level throughout in order to achieve the desired result. Without leveraging psychology to your advantage— none of this would be possible.

You force all your agents to learn psychology and manipulation.


Psychology and hacking go hand-in-hand. Hacking is almost as important as psychology in order to carry out your plan. It is what allows you to make good use of your psychology to successfully manipulate the society to your advantage. You begin by creating massive social media troll farms meant to cause divisions within society and which allows you to begin to gain control on a macro level. You also hack government officials, businesses, and strategic individuals on a micro level which allows you to corrupt the society as a whole. Both methods of which allow you to exponentially grow the amount of foreign agents that are required to take over the country. After all, no business wants to admit it’s been hacked and/or risk being de-valued. And no individual wants all their secrets exposed or used against them.

Simply put, hacking is what allows you manipulate, control, and corrupt the foreign country and its citizens. Hacking allows you to also do any recon necessary to determine your next best move and it’s what allows you to ultimately begin to control the flow of information/the news.

Hacking also aids in your stealth tactics because any hackers are normally up to date on the latest security trends — and are therefore difficult to track. Hacking allows you to cover your tracks and eliminate any fallout through your use of censorship. For instance, hacking is used to silence any would-be whistleblowers thereby helping keep your operations under the radar, by using your massive troll farms to get stories like this one de-listed and therefore not seen by the majority of the public.

You might even consider turning the rival country’s hackers against its own citizens — that way you leave the rival country with less hackers to defend itself and less hackers to launch a counter attack later— all-the-while all your own hackers are at home safe and sound.


You’ve got to start funding corrupt actors within the rivals country, allowing criminals to get away with things they would otherwise never get away with, allowing criminals to be “above the law”, creating bad examples to the rest of society, and causing society to be overwhelmed psychologically.

Potentially even leading to one of your assets ultimately becoming president one day and ultimately setting a bad example for the whole population. (Or setting an example that is favorable to your country and unfavorable to their own country) If you manage to get this far then you are already half way there.

Cause Divisions

You’ve got to attack the citizens themselves and completely bi-pass the rival country’s government/military. Your goal is to cause divisions in the population as a whole by turning them against each other using psychology. Leveraging psychology and manipulation to your advantage is the only way you can cause divisions on such a massive scale. Dictatorships or socialist countries are naturally better at using psychology to control citizens than Democracies.


You cause the society to break apart through your destabilization tactics.

Through this process and everything else you begin to normalize bad behavior in the rival countries citizens. Through all the destabilization you begin to ruin that country’s reputation globally.

Forward Looking Technological Warfare

You’ve got to use technologies that are designed to be leveraged against the citizens themselves and not against the military, and they must be capable of being deployed in a discrete manner. (i.e. non-traditional weapons ) Weapons specifically designed to corrupt the citizens, create more foreign agents for yourself, and penalize dissent in other citizens.


Everything you do must be extremely strategic and focused in nature — with surgical precision. You’ve got to pick apart and corrupt the society strategically and without getting caught — using your previous experience of dismantling smaller countries as a guide— the only way to do this is to go after certain individuals/groups/networks at any one time, so that any one victim is completely unaware of all the other victims to avoid raising any greater alarm.

You do all your hacking the same way — in a focused and strategic manner. You use all the trade secret infrastructure you have hacked previously to quietly persuade your select targets at any given time in your favor. (You only ever change up a few db records at a time in your effort to corrupt the society — so as to avoid raising any alarms in any of the major businesses providing said infrastructure — this also makes it a lot more difficult for a target to actually get said business to take it seriously if it’s only happening to them)


Society as a whole cannot ever know what you are doing. Everything you do has to have plausible deniability built in. It’s best if the countries you are attacking don’t even know you are attacking them. It’s best if they don’t even perceive you as a threat and therefore it’s best if they don’t even know who you are working with. (Both in terms of what other countries may be helping you and in terms of what organized crime groups you are funding)

You must remain below the radar at all times.

As time goes on, you gain more and more control over the rival country’s society. (Or at least half of them) All without the rival country even knowing it is indeed now losing the biggest war of all time.


Let’s look at it in terms of America.

Russia has been corrupting people and destabilizing America for some time. I personally believe Russia may have had some control over Trump through their previous funding of Trump and his businesses — when no American banks would. Trump has since became president, gaining the support of half our population. Whereas Russia could very well have some sort of control over Trump, and Trump has the support of approximately half of America, Russia and China are arguably already half way to defeating a super power in my opinion. (Or more, Trump set an example favorable to Russia for countless others to follow) Now what do you think our rivals might be planning to do next? You still have half the country’s citizens who aren’t too fond of you..

I suspect they are planning to continue to use psychology and hacking to their advantage. And I suspect this is where their next generation warfare technology comes in. (Their secret weapon)

For instance, which political party is fond of Trump? It’s the right. If you are Russia/China at this point, you’ve already got the right. So what you need next is control over the left. How are you going to get control over the left now?

Who is most skeptical of the vaccinations at this time? It’s the right — not the left. Conversely, who is pushing vaccinations like it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to us as a country? It’s the left. The left thinks any thought of there being microchips in vaccines is completely absurd. So theoretically if Russia/China wanted to “persuade” the remainder of our population and finish the job of defeating our country, all they’d need to do is simply add something like microchips within the vaccines which would likely affect more leftward leaning citizens than it would the right . It would also help them control dissent. And the left wouldn’t even see it coming whereas the left and the right are so tribal these days thanks to everything else our adversaries have done to divide us previously.

What will likely happen is the two tribes end up hating each other so much and they get so sick of each other thanks to all the foreign agents trained in psychology causing divisions that society as a whole may even ultimately welcome a change in leadership/change in our constitution at a macro level at some point — just to get some relief from all the infighting — even if that change in leadership means our country is no longer a free country and even if that that change in leadership really is the final nail in our country’s coffin as a global super power — previously known as the most powerful super power in the world.

That my friends is how you create a socialist global world order. The microchips double as a mechanism to track everyone and manage dissent — it’s the holy grail dictators have been seeking since human kinds’ inception.

Have you ever heard the expression that in order to win in business, you’ve got to be a killer? Yea, well apparently the same is true for global dominance..

Sadly for me, I am not a killer. And they don’t take too kindly to me exposing their little secret. I mean we all have a good side and a dark side in our minds. I did catch them which has got to be worth something. But from what they’ve been doing to me lately, I don’t think they like me too much lol. Oh well. I give them props for their intelligence. May the best country ultimately win…

The only way to defeat a super power is from within.

