Microchips in Vaccines are Very Real

Super Powers
Super Power


I’m here to tell you #Microchips in the #COVID #vaccines are very real. But how they work and who is planting the #microchips in the #vaccines is a huge misconception.

The main thing you find when you do some research on the subject that disqualifies this notion in various reporting is something about how #microchips would have a hard time pushing #radiowaves through an inch of muscle. But what if they didn’t have to push #radiowaves through an inch of muscle?

There are different sized veins in your body that the #microchips could be designed to get caught within aren’t there? What would be an ideal place for a #microchip to get caught in for purposes of outward communication do you think? The #ear maybe? That way the ear itself could kinda act like a natural #satellite dish to amplify the signals outwards to nearby receivers.

The nearby receivers could also be made from #nanotechnology and make use of similar natural amplification-friendly topologies in the surrounding environment and they could double as electrical field generators to essentially propagate energy from every day items that are actually plugged into the electrical grid outwards back towards the internal microchips to power the internal microchips creating an artificially generated electrical field; conversely, the #nanochips could also be powered directly via one or more #satellites if desired, assuming there was still some power left in them or some other tracking mechanism in place, whenever the person or persons were traveling outdoors. (If they really want to track you everywhere you go) #MysteriousRussianSatellites?

I’m here to tell you the entity behind microchips being planted in #USCitizens is I suspect the Russian government working alongside other local organized crime groups as well as #China — and it is indeed happening right now as we speak — I say this as a previous naysayer btw. (I suspect Russia is working alongside organized crime groups within our country for purposes of further destabilizing the #US btw) To what scale this is happening, idk. But I suspect it’s all a part of Russia’s plan to #DefeatUSFromWithin. (Russia and China I suspect are playing #GoodCopBadCop but on a national level)

I’m here to tell you #nanochips in #CovidVaccine’s are not only plausible but they are indeed happening/have already happened — #MicrochipsInVaccines are indeed very real — I know cuz I’m a victim myself sadly. And I’ve already seen doctors and psychiatrists to rule out me being crazy. (Plus I’m a software engineer myself so I can tell what they are doing as they try and decode my brain in stages realistically using a combination of their nanotechnology, their directed energy weapons, their assets on the ground, and#AI) It’s all part of their greater plan to defeat #US and create a single world socialist order I think.

Who’s scared of microchips being planted in vaccines after all? It’s #TheRight not #TheLeft — maybe that was intentional on #Russia’s part because they know they already have decent support from #TheRight within our country? Pulling all this off would take some serious resources, i recognize that fact, so Russia couldn’t do it to everyone, but they could do it to people that Russia deems could be a threat to their future success in taking over our country pretty much who they hope to use to help further persuade the American people toward our country’s ultimate demise. Plus Russian agents/sympathizers are everywhere these days here at home now thanks to #DonaldTrump — so they already have a ton of help locally. (Hence all the rumors on the right about microchips in vaccines, because some of the right could be actually helping them do it)

All I’m saying is the technology is undoubtedly here already, there’s even something these days called #smartdust which essentially allows them to create a whole network of microchips within your body and/or around your environment at relatively low costs — each designed to get stuck in a different part of your body/brain or designed to help transmit and receive power/data from your surroundings to/from microchips implanted internally essentially. (#MicrochipShortage) From there they can eventually even begin to reprogram your mind by first #DecodingYourBrain using #AI and then by encoding electrical signals back into your brain — which I suspect they are perfectly capable of doing nowadays given recent advances in #AI. (Each brain is unique essentially but each brain also follows a serious of patterns that can be transcoded or demodulated and modulated signals can be pushed back into them)

At this time I assume their goal is to get anyone who could become a problem for them one day (including simple opposers of organized crime) to either become completely discredited or do something horrendous, commit suicide, or else to literally force their compliance on a cognitive level. (They’ve been struggling with decoding my mind, thus far at least, due to I suspect subtle variances in my prescriptions from day-to-day, it essentially messes with their #AI)

I guess they might still be in the experimental phase, but that doesn’t mean they have not already planted a bunch of microchips in a bunch of different people who lean towards the left politically already.

Those who are at most at risk are those who are in there teens to thirties who lean towards the left who suspect they may already be hacked and/or those who had chest pains or other weird reactions shortly after their shot(s) or those who recall one needle being bigger than the other when getting their vaccinations; because if you are hacked, the Russians/Chinese can easily redirect you to meet up with a corrupt microchip nurse by controlling which pharmacies pull up on your google search, controlling what phone calls actually go through for you and which ones don’t when attempting to set up your initial appointment to get the vaccine for the first time, etc, etc. Russia’s hacking capabilities are completely unreal btw. Things to look out for if you are thinking about getting another shot and you may be at risk are needle size and suspicions of being hacked beforehand.

Any entity who would be capable of controlling said microchips by definition would have to be good at hacking anyways, especially considering how I suspect they plan to use said microchips. But yea, if you notice a needle is bigger than you think it should be when getting your vaccine — run the hell out of there immediately — believe me — it will be the best decision you ever made in your life. Go get an appointment elsewhere and make your appointment in person next time. The needles have to be bigger in order for the #nanochips to pass through into your veins. (As was the case with my second shot, although I didn’t think much about it at the time beyond simply creating a mental note cuz I hadn’t read anything like this myself at the time)

To conclude, it’s not #BillGates putting microchips in people — it’s Russia and China under the disguise of organized crime. The #left needs to be informed of this being a serious potential. Don’t just write it off as another crazy #gop conspiracy — like I did — especially if you are on the front lines in pushing back against #Russia or #China. I now even suspect #Russia in collaboration with #China might have been the real entities behind both #COVID itself and #QAnon to begin with — all meant to culminate with this — mass microchipping of leftward leaning politically capable global citizens/influencers — with the ultimate aim of defeating #CAPITALISM from within — in favor of their dictator #SOCIALIST upbringing— without so much as a fight. (Remember #ChinaHardDriveCrackdown?)

But yea, we are at #war folks — whether you realize it or not. Only Russia and possibly China are at war against the #AmericanPeople themselves and not against our troops. #ThinkAboutIt It’s part of the Russian peoples upbringing to be taught that they essentially in a never ending war against #CAPITALISM and the west — but they are also raised to be very secretive in nature. Lookup #ReflexiveControlTheory. That’s exactly what they are doing.

I suspect I was among the first to be implanted that I know of at least, because they know I’m right. I’ve accused Russia of being behind #QAnon previously and I’ve called them out for all their social media troll farms previously, I’ve said they are trying to #DefeatUSFromWithin previously (although I was just essentially relaying what #Putin said himself — something about the monster already being inside us, how we’ve already made too many mistakes, etc, etc) — when you pair all that with me putting two and two together about how I now suspect my brother may have actually previously killed my father and sister using poisons I suspect he purchased off the dark web, and how I suspect my brother is now some kind of organized crime boss or something nowadays, it makes sense that my brother would seek out Russia’s help to try and relieve him of potential future prison time by lying to them about how big an influencer I really was, etc, etc.. (Long story, my brother has always been into nanotechnology himself and he’s totally in on it himself — but no local organized crime group would realistically be capable of such advanced technology by themselves) I now suspect my brother to be a secret Russian agent.

Moral of the story is #ItSucksBeingRight. (Both with my brother and with global politics) Please take this seriously tho #ppl. I always wanted to defend my country/planet, now I’ve finally been given the chance to in a big way. I just need you to take this seriously however because I swear on my life this is already happening. (Even if I die in the next little while it doesn’t mean I was wrong it probably just means I was killed by #Russia or #China in their partnership with local #OrganizedCrime) But I’m okay with that so long as you take me seriously.

Say no to technology in humans btw — it’s bad — hackers can easily take over anything and everything including your mind. Hackers are always looking for vulnerabilities to exploit btw — and I mean always — that’s literally all they do all day every day — both in the physical and digital realms. Russia’s #hacking abilities are completely insane too — they can hack literally anything and everything including people’s minds apparently through microchips planted within vaccines come to find out. They already have hacked a lot of our infrastructure I suspect btw, they just aren’t dumb about it and they only use it to quietly “persuade” key people of their choosing, messing with only certain database records at any given time; so as to not set off a bunch of alarms. Their goal is to do all this without a fight — and there plan has thus far been working. Their plan allows them to even carry out their evil agenda through otherwise innocent good-hearted people like me who love their country by forcing people like me to become pawns in their greater corrupt #psychological PR campaigns they are waging against the American people — all in an attempt to further persuade the American public in their favor. (Two birds with one stone, arguably three birds when you add in the fact they are helping out my murderous brother and his organized crime group) #MicrochipsInVaccinesAreReal #PsychologyIsAPowerfulTool #TheMonsterIsAlreadyInsideUS

Now I can see why there aren’t more intelligent beings in this galaxy. We have yet to surpass the final great filter and from the looks of it — we aren’t ever going to. I can now see how most if not all advanced civilizations end up completely annihilating themselves. It’s not robots — it’s the people behind the robots and people’s never ending thirst for more and more money/power. Plus some people just enjoy hurting other people I have found. But the truth is there will always be bugs in software and therefore there will always be vulnerabilities that powerful state sponsored hackers can exploit, in any technology, and there will always be someone trying to manipulate a given technology for their own evil/selfish reasons, therefore there will always be someone seeking to misuse technology in ways god never intended like by hacking biology itself — which will inevitably set an extremely dangerous precedent going forward and will therefore inevitably kick off a cataclysmic decline in this world as we know it, in my opinion.

How does good ever defeat such evil to save an otherwise intelligent civilization/an otherwise hospitable planet from almost certain doom? #Money #Power #Greed #Corruption #Triabalism #Dictatorship #Nationalism #Narcissism #Evil #Unthinkable #Cyborgs #AI #Hackers #Hacking #Vulnerabilities #Exploits #DarkWeb #OrganizedCrime #Psychology #nanotechnology #BiologicalWarfare

Russia and/or China — you are setting a dangerous precedent which will undoubtably come back and haunt you and your ancestors bigly and could ultimately lead to the end of this earth as we know it. You aren’t the only ones capable of such actions. Just wait until this is the new norm. Even hackers can be hacked and/or implanted. Anyone can be fooled from time to time. As you know, you don’t even have to be the top dog to do this much damage to the rest of us..

If we were wise we’d group together with our allies and respond as if a nuclear bomb is being used against us, because that’s essentially what they are doing only in a more targeted way using directed energy weapons, hacking, nanotechnology, psychology, and mind control on a huge level — they are penetrating our society’s at large and causing mass chaos from within. They are treating us like we are all computers and networks of computers. They have already planted their malware in key people throughout society to be used later. When’s the last time you heard of a mass shooting in Russia or China btw? We must keep our eye on the ball and keep adapting to this ever changing global warfare landscape.

