Hotly Anticipated Skate 4 to Release in 2018

Colin Roy
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2017

In an attempt to right their sinking, burning, crocodile infested vessel EA today reached deep into our childhood brains and tore a PR hail Mary from within.

Warm memories of Summer days spent skateboarding, indoors, on our consoles are being resurrected with the announcement of Skate 4.

The internet has been demanding a sequel to Skate 3 for years, but EA have kept the series shelved while they focused on the more artistic endeavour of buying and shuttering your favourite game studios (“art thrives in pain” execs have been heard to mutter).

However the company that could once boast about being awarded the most hated corporation in America has seen public goodwill plummet over the last year.

From jokes about setting World War 1 veterans on fire to waiting till the kids were unwrapping Call of Duty and Battlefield to take TitanFall out to the farm (a convenient metaphor for dumping it at the tip, blood still pumping from the fresh bullet hole in its head), EA have been adrift on a broken ship, with only microtransactions to patch the widening holes.

But with one audacious announcement the company may win back both gamers and shareholders. In a brazen move EA announced that Skate 4 would launch in the first quarter of 2018.

And that the game will be exclusively available as an epic loot box collectible within Battlefront 2.



Colin Roy
Silent Protagonist

Writer, generally of free stuff online. Sometimes of stuff you can buy. My first novel, The Samurai is out now at Amazon.