Nintendo Outlines its E3 Plans

W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2017
E3 promises to finally introduce Mario and Luigi to the Switch lifestyle

Nintendo has outlined its plans for E3 2017. And in a move that will surprise absolutely nobody who follows E3 or Nintendo, their E3 Plans consist of not holding an E3 press event. Instead, the house that Mario built will host a variety of events designed to draw fans away from everything else at the expo in the hope they will forever join the Switch community.

Silent Protagonist has all the details of Nintendo’s give and take below.

Which Switch will be spotlighted?

Nintendo Switch Spotlight

Join Nintendo as they demonstrate the various games you can play with your Switch. All games are reportedly suitable for all Switches, young and old, ranging from you gently caressing their touch screen to frantically mashing their JoyCon.

Switch Treehouse

Immediately after Nintendo reveals the exciting things you can do with Switches, Nintendo is opening the floor for you to get your hands on a Switch and play with them. Being a Treehouse event, expect plenty of mighty tree trunks you can have your way with.

Switch Tournaments

Watch Switches battle as Nintendo works to find the most flexible Switch, as they stretch appendages in ARMS and splat all over each other in Splatoon 2. Much like Nintendo pulled out of E3 press events five years ago, Switches will be encouraged to pull out before it’s game over.

Sometimrs Yoshi gets to take control of the leash.

After pulling out of E3’s press events five years ago, Nintendo, with the help of its Switches, is planning​ on going hard and fast over the E3 weekend. As always, Silent Protagonist will be here to give you the full blow by blow.



W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist

An unreliable narrator crafting narrative works. I tweet a lot @wasauthor and ramble a bit on When not doing that, I’m writing my debut novel.