The SNES Classic Offers the Best Way to Play SNES Games

W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2017
Before complaining about the size of the controllers, remember that Donald Trump is thankful

Escaping the E3 hype and not wanting to crush its competition (read: Xbox One X) with its latest console reveal, Nintendo has formally announced the long awaited and much rumoured SNES Classic. The SNES Classic will be released on 29 September at $79.99 US, with prices in other territories and the amount of Australia tax to be collected to be announced at a later date.

Bundled with two wired controllers, a USB power cable, a HDMI cable, with no less than 21 games included, the SNES Classic is the greatest way to play SNES games. It won’t take your cartridges, it won’t allow you to download games onto it, but if you happen to want to play any of these 21 games, this is the console for you!

Nintendo provided Silent Protagonist with the following information sheet, telling us all we need to know about Nintendo’s exciting new console!

After Zelda failed to save the Switch, Nintendo had to course correct

The world’s most powerful Super Nintendo console

With approximately the same amount of power as the original SNES, experience immersive 16-bit graphics on your 4K screen. Games play the same as they always did, but you now have a bigger TV than you did 27 years ago.

Smoother gameplay

With specs that don’t come close to your phone, expect all the real world detail and smoother interactions than you ever got with the original NES Classic.

Bigger worlds

16 bit graphical processing power add speed and power to game performance to enable the same little worlds and generic horizons we got the first time. With no cartridge slot, games will load slightly faster than they did the first time.

Life-like detail

A 16 bit GPU enables 16 bit environments and characters to become about as realistic as they were 27 years ago, with the same amount of detail and jerky animations.

Faster load times

Game graphics are faster and more detailed with exactly the same memory bandwidth, but the lack of cartridge will make the games load noticeably faster (because you don’t have to get them out of the box and into your console), to keep your gaming momentum flowing.

Designed for every angle

No matter how you view it, Nintendo SNES Classic is sleek and about as distinctive as the original SNES. And it’s at least 40% smaller, fitting into the palm of your hand.

Play 4K exclusives*

You can only play 4K games like Star Fox 2** the way they’re meant to be played on Nintendo SNES Classic.

*One 4K exclusive.

**Only if you play it on a 4K TV.***

***4K upscaling not included.

Finally, "Only for Nintendo" is no longer a lie

With 21 games included, a cost of under $500 US, it being sizably smaller than the Xbox One X, and

the combined total of all games being a fraction of a One X 4K patch, we at Silent Protagonist are confident that the SNES Classic is the One X console killer Nintendo has been chasing since before Bill Gates decided to enter the console race. The SNES Classic will not be available instore; eBay sellers will again be buying a second house after paying off their first with the NES Mini.



W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist

An unreliable narrator crafting narrative works. I tweet a lot @wasauthor and ramble a bit on When not doing that, I’m writing my debut novel.