THQ Nordic held an AMA on 8chan and Defeated Parody

Colin Roy
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

Today THQ Nordic took on the internet version of fighting a land war in Asia, and held an AMA on 8chan. 8chan is in a lot of the ways the worst, a hideous site previously linked to beastiality, peadophilia, and GamerGate. If you think of 4chan as a pasta strainer that the Internet shits into, catching hard little nuggets of crap, 8chan is the sink beneath, where the gooey diarrhoea that even 4chan can’t tolerate splashes down to.

Seriously, even Google kicked them out.

Surprisingly, this did not coincide with an announcement of a dating game where the NPCs are young looking schoolgirls of indeterminate age.

The bizarre train wreck of a day he led to some wicked speculation on Twitter.

Click through to watch Twitter’s collective jaw hit the floor.

Was THQ Nordic’s PR guy really, really high? Did Darksiders 3 sell that poorly? Was a wild raccoon loose in their office and took over social media for the day? If they wanted the attention could they just not have re-released the uDraw tablet?

There’s nothing left to do but roll the credits

At Silent Protagonist offices (the train to my day job) we are left with a huge dilemma. How do you even parody something like this? You can’t. There’s nothing left to exaggerate. GG, well played. Real life has skinned parody and is wearing it to Intellectual Dark Web dinner parties. We’re done. All that’s left is to turn out the lights and hope my train driver can navigate in the dark. We’ll see you all if we survive the crash.



Colin Roy
Silent Protagonist

Writer, generally of free stuff online. Sometimes of stuff you can buy. My first novel, The Samurai is out now at Amazon.