You’ll Soon Be Able to Play Marvel Heroes Omega’s Beta

W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2017
Captain America βs off

Following Gazillion’s recent announcement that Marvel Heroes Omega will be released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, they have now revealed that a beta so closed that it will exclude Xbox owners will be released on 21 April.

Ω’s β raises questions about the α and why players haven’t seen anything before now. Further questions have been raised about why there is no Ω β hitting the χbox One, though Gazillion has stated this will happen at some point in the future, so ΠΣ4 owners won’t be the only ones getting to give Ω’s β a turn.

Doing whatever a spider can

Fans of Marvel are also confused by the use of “Ω” in Ω’s title, as Ω is generally associated with competitor Δκ’s Darkseid. Gazillion has realised their faux pas, and while it is now too late to rebrand the game, Ω will see a sequel, Marvel Heroes Γ, capitalising on the radiation that made the Hulk so incredible. Fans can also expect Γ to come with the much needed α.



W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist

An unreliable narrator crafting narrative works. I tweet a lot @wasauthor and ramble a bit on When not doing that, I’m writing my debut novel.