Zelda: Gateway Drug to the Switch Lifestyle

W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2017
Zelda and Link: Switching things up since 1986

Nintendo has announced that they have unleashed almost a million Switches on the United States alone — because at 906,000, “almost a million” sounds more impressive than “a little over 900,000.” Regardless, in a month, more people have taken a Switch home than the 890,000 (or “a little less than 900,000”) people who grabbed their Wii U within six weeks.

However, 1.3 million people in the US are playing with their Links, after buying The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. 460,000 Links are playing with Wii U’s, which isn’t a terrible statistic. More impressive, however, is the number of Links switching with Switches: 925,000.

The Switch wants to be played

The 925,000 Links spending time inside Switches demonstrates at attach rate of approximately 102%. What does this mean? Essentially, 2% of purchasers don’t yet have a Switch, but are nonetheless prepping their Link for when they have a Switch to stick it in.

Or there are some Switches out there playing with more than one Link. But let’s not judge.



W.A. Stanley
Silent Protagonist

An unreliable narrator crafting narrative works. I tweet a lot @wasauthor and ramble a bit on wastanley.com. When not doing that, I’m writing my debut novel.