Anon…do you know, what makes a blockchain say, gm? Silent Protocol x CoW Swap.

Silent Protocol
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2023

Enjoy MEV resistant privacy preserving trades on ethereum

CoW Swap join the Silent Protocol ecosystem

Silent Protocol is excited to add CoW Swap to its ecosystem of privacy preserving applications. CoW Protocol is an auction based trading infrastructure that unleashes a new DEFI experience and a new age DEX trading experience. CoW Swap is the first trading interface built on top of CoW Protocol and is a Meta DEX aggregator that allows you to buy and sell tokens using gasless orders (intents) that are settled peer-to-peer among its users, or into any on-chain liquidity source while providing MEV protection.

Blockchain technology enables permissionless and fair means to trade any asset in an efficient manner and the ability to accomplish this is enabled by DEXs such as CoW Swap. Even if we are able to build an efficient infrastructure to trade on chain, what we have lacked mostly till to this date is the ability to perform these operations in a privacy preserving manner.

With this partnership between Silent Protocol and CoW Swap, users will be able to use the CoW Protocol through CowSwap and their advanced intent based trading system, in a privacy preserving manner.

Adding privacy brings a new dimension of interpretation of on-chain data, and stops unfair exploitation of user data and advances growth for the entire ecosystem.

CoW Swap facilitates CoWs among traders and their orders through using batch auctions as a core mechanism, where Coincidence of Wants (CoWs) can be explained as “an economic phenomenon where two parties each hold an item the other wants, so they exchange these items directly.”

Using Silent Protocol not only users are able to execute CoWs privately but also due to the use of batch auctions through a uniform clearing price do so in a MEV resistant manner.

Silent’s and CoW Swap partnership is a match made in heaven- CoW Swap makes trading seamless and perfect and have already seen large volumes of trades go through seamlessly but now being integrated with Silent protocol it allows users to trade large amounts of assets privately and in a MEV protected manner.

Silent Protocol not only allows developers of protocols such as Aave, Olympus dao and now CoW Swap to be able to add privacy seamlessly through its consumer facing applications allowing users to be able to access the entire ecosystem from one single endpoint. Users initially will be able to access different applications seamlessly and privately but down the line will have a unified interchain experience through the use of account abstraction, where through only one silent account they will be able to access these applications from any chain and from anywhere, from one single account and transactions.

Users are going to be able to use CoW Swap privately in a user friendly manner very soon. Silent Protocol is going online within this year. Stay tuned and follow both SIlent’s and CoW Swap’s twitter account to stay up to date about it.

Your ethereum ecosystem is going to get a massive upgrade and you will soon be a silencer.

About Silent Protocol

Silent Protocol is a middleware solution for public solution that enables composable privacy through its novel framework EZEE. It allows developers to create quick endpoints through which users will be able to interact with their already existing smart contracts and network effect in a privacy preserving manner.

Are you interested in learning more or getting involved?

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(& To the Developers) If you’re interested in integrating your application with Silent protocol to gain compliant and user friendly Privacy, contact us.

