Connecting Ethereum

Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2017

Crypto Logic

We have long argued that what is good for Bitcoin is just as good for SilentNotary. The business model of Bitcoin and the Ethereum platform on which SilentNotary is committed are very different. However the success of each is dependent mass awareness and adoption of cryptocurrencies generally.

Today, lets talk about something that is good for Ethereum that holds the prospect of accelerating the awareness, acceptance and growth of SilentNotary. That something has to do with Ethereum’s Smart Contracts.

Ethereum has been the platform of choice for nearly every Initial Coin Offering over the last few years. As of November 2017, Wikipedia reports ICOs are running about 6000 per year with over 10,000 already launched. They all feature Smart Contracts where counter parties can make and verify claims and receive compensation.

An Ethereum Blockchain Breakthrough

What happens when a SilentNotary token holder has a claim to be verified against a different token (e.g. This may sound completely hypothetical, but you would be surprised, it is becoming quite common. Developer, Joel Torstensson just proposed a breakthrough solution he defines as the Ethereum Claim Registry (ECR).

Thorstensson’s solution: “allows people, smart contracts and machines to issue claims about each other, as well as self issued claims.” The registry makes no distinction between different types of Ethereum accounts. The whole idea of the registry is to provide a central clearing house for all on-chain claims on Ethereum.

According to Thorstensson, On-chain claims are becoming increasing relevant given the dramatic increase of different Smart Contracts that might want to verify certain attributes about its users. A standardized registry makes claims lookup simple and energy (gas) efficient.

Putting Things In Perspective

The concept of an Ethereum Claim Registry holds great promise for SilentNotary. As the world’s first blockchain notary, the founders are committed to creating a legaltech ecosystem on a global scale. The existence of an ECR would dramatically open the opportunities in the emerging legaltech sector. This is where SilentNotary’s Lightstamp patent pending technology separates them from the pack.

A written proposal for the ECR emerged just recently and comments for fine-tuning are coming in daily. Don’t expect to see this as a fully functioning addition just yet. But it is inevitable and promises to be a huge step forward in the Ethereum story.

In this case what is good for Ethereum is awesome for SilentNotary. Keep this in mind when reading about the SilentNotary Holiday Sale.

SilentNotary Announces ICO Holiday Sale

In the spirit of the holidays, SilentNotary is holding a Christmas and New Year Sale from December 13th until the 27th. Registered participants will receive a one-time discount of 24%. This offer is only good during the limited time so be sure to get registered now. We look forward to sharing the holiday spirit with you.

Important Things To Know

SilentNotary is the only digital notary to offer a complete array of serviced including B-2-B, B-2-C, B-2-G and IoT using a full array on user interfaces: chatbots, email, audio and video recordings. All user information is securely stored in the Notary Vault and accessible whenever needed.

Wherever in the world there is a need for trust and verification, SilentNotary has a customer. This includes more than 60,000 companies connected to over 2.3 billion mobile users.

James Waggoner




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