SilentNotary Founders Present To EECO International Forum

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3 min readNov 30, 2017

Company founders Max Breus and Aleksey Petrov have been busy spreading the gospel of SilentNotary to a world that is anxious to get acquainted with the virtues of their Ethereum blockchain technology.

On November 20, Max and Aleksey were invited to speak before the prestigious Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization (EECO) to enlighten its members on SilentNotary’s technology and mission.

The occasion was an Economic Forum held in Moscow attended by delegates from China, Germany, Russia, India and Greece.

The mission of EECO is to develop international business opportunities between Eurasian countries with countries around the world.

The theme of this forum was, “Eurasian society needs advanced development technologies.” So this was the perfect opportunity for Max and Aleksey to explain SilentNotary’s mission.

Legal Gap Needs To Be Addressed

One of the hot topics at the gathering was the gap between advancing technology and the legal system. Of particular interest, going into the conference was the creation of an electronic confirmation system of legally significant evidence of the existence of documents.

As the world’s first blockchain notary company with a mission to build trust and verification throughout the world, the message from Max and Aleksey resonated loudly among attendees. The description of SilentNotary’s patent pending Lightstamp technology that creates precise time verification was received especially strong response.

Here is a five-point highlight of what attendees applauded from the SilentNotary presentation:

  • Eighty percent of the world’s population cannot afford legal services. SilentNotary makes these services both available and affordable.
  • Ethereum blockchain platform offers Smart Contracts using proven algorithms. The chance of error is close to zero.
  • Service is available 24/7 offering ease of use.
  • Increased trust through absolute protection of information.
  • Turnkey solutions are offered that always allows the user to know how much he pays as well as the results.

To deliver these services Max Breus, Head of SilentNotary Legal explained how SN founders are building a new ecosystem for government, business and consumers.

The open source Ethereum blockchain platform allows SN to add its inhouse designed Lightstamp technology.

Everywhere in the world where trust and verification is required, SilentNotary has a customer.

In the B2B space there are over 60,000 companies in areas like construction, banking, insurance that translates into hundreds of millions of business users. In the B2C space there are 2.3 billion potential users.

The SN team totals more than 14 and growing. More than just code writers with a flashy app, SN consists of financial and legal experts, product designers and marketing specialists. The team has the firepower to deliver.

The Mission Continues

The EECO and similar gatherings throughout the world give SN founders Max Breus and Aleksey Petrov the opportunity to share their vision. The conference in Moscow on November 20 was a very prestigious event but just one of many: the mission continues.

SilentNotary special Christmas sale

To satisfy the enthusiasm of our community and hundreds subscribers, in order to acquire SilentNotary tokens, we decided to open a special X-mas Sale for the period December 13th — 27th at a discount of 24%.
Register now for the SilentNotary whitelist and ensure your special discount.

Follow our progress here and on social media. Just as importantly, let us know what you think at

James Waggoner




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