SilentNotary: Streamlining the Insurance Business

Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2017

Protection For Over 150 Million American Drivers

It is shocking to realize that less than 25% of the US states are “no fault”. What that means is that more than 150 million Americans are exposed to potential catastrophic risk. That is because whenever a car accident occurs in 39 states, somebody is to blame.

Of course, this is why we have car insurance in the first place. But having insurance doesn’t guarantee much especially if you are involved in a serious collision. The damage can potentially exceed the insurance company’s stated limits of liability. If so, you are on the hook. That can spell financial ruin or worse.

Having the best, most accurate record of events can make the difference between an unfortunate accident and disaster.

This is where steps in to help both you and your insurance company record, time stamp and create a permanent record of events using blockchain technology. The record cannot be altered so you don’t have to depend on your memory days or even months later.

Insurance companies love the services of SilentNotary. When you think of it, these financial service companies are all about contracts, compliance with contracts, recording deviations from contract agreements.

More Than Just Cars

In the above description, car insurance was an example. But insurance companies cover far more. For every risk that you can think of, there is a company somewhere willing, for a price, to protect risk. Insurance is more than just cars.

Think of major construction projects like The Freedom Tower in New York City. Building costs amounted to more than $3.8 billion. The risks of building this landmark were enormous. Every contractor and subcontractor required documentation of work. Project management was extremely complicated.

Arcadis — Global Construction Disputes Report 2017

With every step can be time stamped and made a permanent record. The flexibility of being able to use literally every means of communication is one of the great features of SN. Photos, Videos, emails, text messages, recordings of phone conversations or face-to-face discussions, it can all be made part of an unchangeable record. All this can be accomplished from anywhere, laptop to mobile devices.

Speeding Resolution of Disputes

Disputes unfortunately are part of business that is where insurance companies with their teams of lawyers step in. Before now collecting evidence was a lengthy and expensive process. The process is often blamed on why so many disputes drag on for years. streamlines the whole process.

Finding New Business Applications

The combined number of insurance and construction companies worldwide total over 55,000 representing a population of nearly 2 billion individuals. Response to SilentNotary technology thus far has been fascinating.

Companies involved in are discovering new applications for the service well beyond their initial need. This provides solid conformation that SilentNotary is on the right track. For information, contact us and see how you can get involved. And remember, the SilentNotary ICO is coming this November. It’s time to get ready for the next big thing.

James Waggoner, SilentNotary PR & Communication




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