True Partners With Ethereum

Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2017

What makes Ethereum so different is what makes it such a perfect partner for SilentNotary. The more experts I speak with the more convinced I this is absolutely accurate.

Yes there are others like Litecoin and Monero and some day investors may be bragging of the outsized returns from these two aspiring cryptocurrencies. But these two are chasing the same multi trillion-dollar financial market as Bitcoin.

Don’t get me wrong; when it comes to multi trillion-dollar markets, there is plenty of room for more than one cryptocurrency. It’s just a different business model than Ethereum.

Ethereum: When It Pays To Be Different

Ethereum is all about its open-sourced, public, blockchain distributed computing platform. If there is something extra special it is Ethereum’s creation of Smart Contracts. And, if there is something extra special about Smart Contracts, it is that they form the cornerstone for SilentNotary.

For those new to Ethereum, Smart Contracts are a series of computer protocols designed to verify, facilitate and even enforce either the negotiation or performance of a contract.

Contracts are made everyday that are unenforceable because they are not documented. Smart Contracts allow agreements to be documented quickly and easily without the time and excessive costs.

The creators of Smart Contracts claim that many kinds of contract provisions can be self-executing, self-enforcing or even both. Simply stated, Smart Contracts reduce or eliminate the need for lawyers. Since more than 80% of the world’s population do not have access to an attorney or cannot afford legal council, Smart Contracts have the power to change lives.

Virtually everywhere in the world where trust and verification are needed, there is a customer for SilentNotary. Founders of SilentNotary are on a mission to fill this unmet need by creating an ecosystem of services in which users will enjoy the highest level of trust based on unalterable verification.

SilentNotary is dedicated to the Ethereum platform. They have advanced this technology by creating their own patent pending Lightstamp technology. This creates a perfectly accurate time stamp for absolute proof of verification.

Ethereum Technology Ever Evolving

Ethereum was first introduced four years ago so its technology is relatively new and less than perfect. Blockchains and Smart Contracts may change the world some day but before this can take place several things must happen.

So far the time and cost of executing a transaction limit the scale of business volume. Recently Ethereum released Casper that holds great hope to drastically lower transaction costs while stepping up transaction speeds.

Close behind is the Ethereum Raiden Network. Raiden allows off-chain scaling solutions. Supposedly this enables near-instant, low fee transactions. But off-chain raises questions of security that must be answered.

TrueBit Is Coming Shortly

The well-regarded digital trade rag, CoinDesk reports another new protocol from TrueBit will be released this month. In technical terms it supposedly removes the Ethereum “gas limit”. In layman terms, that means faster Ethereum speeds without sacrificing security.

CoinDesk claims that TrueBit is geared specifically towards heavy computations, such as those video broadcasting and machine learning would require, TrueBit could completely resolve Ethereum speed issue.

As we have long maintained: that which is good for Ethereum is good for its many users of its open sourced platform: this of course includes SilentNotary. The first inflow of SilentNotary users is quickly approaching so it won’t be long before accelerated transaction speed becomes helpful.

SilentNotary Announces ICO Holiday Sale

In the spirit of the holidays, SilentNotary is holding a Christmas and New Year Sale from December 13th until the 27th. Registered participants will receive a one-time discount of 24%. This offer is only good during the limited time so be sure to get registered now. We look forward to sharing the holiday spirit with you.

About Us

SilentNotary is the world’s blockchain notary.

SilentNotary is the only digital notary to offer a complete array of serviced including B-2-B, B-2-C, B-2-G and IoT using a full array on user interfaces: chatbots, email, audio and video recordings. All user information is securely stored in the Notary Vault and accessible whenever needed.

Wherever in the world there is a need for trust and verification, SilentNotary has a customer. This includes more than 60,000 companies connected to over 2.3 billion mobile users.

James Waggoner




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