Published in
4 min readNov 17, 2017


Why Ethereum Represents a Better Mouse Trap

Think back to the first iPhone in 2008. Would anyone argue that it is still the best mobile device in existence? Of course not, the very nature of technological advancement makes this a mute point.

Right now Ethereum is about where the iPhone was ten years ago. Its possibilities are endless but it’s young and still growing. That means flaws can be found. In recent days a developer for Parity wallet accidentally deleted a code library that ended up freezing more than $150 million in funds.

If your funds were frozen, it is enough to make your heart race, but there is a difference between frozen and lost. The Ethereum foundation is working toward a solution that would unlock the funds.

Does this embarrassing flaw diminish the potential of Ethereum and the more than 1000 ICOs using this platform? Not in the least. All the flaws in the first iPhone couldn’t alter the history of this life-changing device.

Ethereum represents a very different mousetrap than anything before it and one that is getting better over time.

Innovation or Little Brother To Bitcoin

Bitcoin was the first and so far the biggest of the cryptocurrencies at $150 billion Second ranked Ethereum, in existence only since 2015 has a value of about $27 billion.

Ethereum is a very different animal and the difference explains why its popularity is gaining rapidly. The Ethereum platform has been connected to over 1000 Initial Coin Offerings ICOs over the past two years.

Skeptics will point to a number of ICOs they dub as cash grabbing schemes. This ignores nearly 20 companies that have raised over $100 million. But the real proof of value can be found elsewhere.

Those who have drilled deeply into the Ethereum puzzle see things quite differently. By drilling deep, I am referring to hard-core geeks who truly understand the interworking of the technology. These folks believe the Ethereum blockchain technology has the capability to disrupt cloud computing. Wow, now you’re talking about something truly awesome.

For example, instead of having all your personal data held in an Amazon or Apple cloud where it can be hacked, your information is spread over a series of decentralized encrypted computers. What this means for your security is key. We are talking restoring faith and trust to the whole system.

Those who hook their wagon to Ethereum and Smart Contracts possess the power to impact virtually every industry on the globe from finance to healthcare.

This makes Ethereum a very different than Bitcoin. It was created with the intention to allow self-executing Smart Contracts to be coded directly into it, permitting trusted transactions and agreements to be carried out among disparate, anonymous parties without the need for a central authority, legal system, or external enforcement mechanism.

The very nature of being decentralized and upcoming new “Proof-of-Stake protocol”

means that the odds are extremely low that any single entity such as the central government could gain control over Ethereum.

The Global Potential of SilentNotary

If you are doing your research on SilentNotary, understanding the unique qualities of Ethereum is important information.

SilentNotary.com is the worlds first blockchain notary company. The founders are totally committed to the Ethereum platform. To that SN has added its own patent pending technology Lightstamp.

Their mission is to build trust and verification in the world.

Everywhere trust and verification is required, there is a customer.

The SN team totals 14 and growing. The team is more than just code writers with a flashy app. SN consist of financial and legal experts, product designers and marketing specialists. The team has the firepower to deliver.

The ICO Moves Forward

The main ICO is scheduled for November 2017. The majority of the SNTR Tokens will be sold in the main ICO as the current Pre-Sale has successfully concluded.

We are most gratified and encouraged by the support we received starting with the Pre-Sale and now look to moving forward with the main ICO.

Please join the team at SilentNotary to restore trust and confidence: welcome aboard!

James Waggoner, SilentNotary PR & Communication





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