We’ll still be here waiting backstage, Backstage

Rick Turoczy
Silicon Florist
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2018
Photo by John Hult on Unsplash

Well, at least we’re consistent. We never managed to get Google Fiber. Even though we submitted an RFP, we weren’t even really in the running for Amazon HQ2. And now, we just missed being the fourth location for the Backstage Capital Accelerator.

Detroit was the city selected to host the fourth accelerator, joining Los Angeles, London, and Philadelphia.

This isn’t even the first time we’ve lost out on an accelerator selection. Not many folks know this but we put in a bid to be the first Techstars accelerator in the Pacific Northwest. We lost that opportunity to Andy Sack and Chris DeVore who have built an amazing program in Seattle and really changed the dynamic of the Seattle startup community.

That was the right choice for Techstars to make. And Detroit will, no doubt, be the right choice for Backstage. I look forward to continuing to mentor for their portfolio companies. And to help them however I can. Because they’re awesome.

It may seem a bit odd that someone who runs a couple of startup accelerators would be disappointed about another accelerator passing on Portland. But I am. Because it truly would have changed the dynamic around here.

Oh well. Better luck next time, Portland. Just wanted to close the loop.

Originally published at siliconflorist.com on October 4, 2018.



Rick Turoczy
Silicon Florist

More than mildly obsessed with connecting dots in the Portland, Oregon, startup community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj98mr_wUA0