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What secret is powering these AI and Blockchain startups?

No longer is there such a chasm between powerful corporations and the startups that are trying to disrupt the traditional hierarchies.

Craig E Ryder
4 min readMar 2, 2020


Silicon Roundabout attended Oracle Openworld in London to find out how Oracle’s global startup program is allowing innovative startups to blaze a trail in some of the most exciting sectors out there.

Blockchain for Product Provenance

Now the blockchain evangelism of 5–10 years ago has cooled down, cases of real-world problem-solving form the world’s most misunderstood ledger are starting to come to fruition.

Rob Squire, who is the CTO of new “centralised” blockchain startup, Ld8a, explains that blockchain’s future isn’t with digital currencies, but with Enterprise Systems of Record (ESOR). For him, blockchain’s immutable ledger is perfect for records that need to keep in sync with real-world changes.

Take, for example, product provenance.

London and Dublin-based startup, Circulor, is an industrial supply chain technology that harnesses the blockchain so brands can demonstrate to their stakeholders that they are ethical and sustainable.

