E-Commerce Calendar 2014
An updated list of important e-commerce dates
Feel free to tweet me about interesting events in your country!
1: New Year’s day
Back to school season (Australia)
20: Martin Luther King Jr. (USA)
31: Chinese New Year
2: NFL Super Bowl XLVIII
14: Valentine’s Day
17: Washington’s Birthday
17: Family Day (Canada)
7 — 23: Winter Olympics Games
4: Mardi Gras
15: World Consumer Rights Day
17: St. Patrick’s Day
20: Spring Begins
24: Cash Mob Day
30: Mother’s Day (UK)
1: April Fools
18: Good Friday
20: Easter Sunday
21: Easter Monday
22: Earth Day
5: Cinco de Mayo
11: Mother’s Day (USA, Australia, Canada)
17: Armed Forces Day
23 — 26: Memorial Day Weekend (USA)
26: Spring Bank Holiday (UK)
14: Flag Day (USA)
12: FIFA World Cup Begins
15: Father’s Day (USA, UK, Canada)
21: Summer Sale
21: Summer Begins
1: Canada Day (Canada)
4: Independence Day (USA)
27: Parent’s Day
4: Civic Holiday (Canada)
25 Summer Bank Holiday (UK)
Back to School Season (USA, UK)
29 — Sept 1: Labor Day Weekend
1: Labour Day
3 — 11: NYC Fashion Week
7: Grandparent’s Day
24: Rosh Hashanah
3: Yom Kippur
13: Columbus Day (USA)
13: Thanksgiving (Canada)
16: Boss’s Day (USA)
31: Halloween
11: Remembrance Day (Canada)
11: Veterans Day (USA)
11: Single’s Day (China)
27: Thanksgiving (USA)
28: Black Friday
29: Buy Nothing Day
30: Sofa Sunday
1: Cyber Monday
7: Free Delivery Day
16: Hanukkah Begins
20: Super Saturday
24: Christmas Eve
25: Christmas Day
26: Kwanza
26: Boxing Day (Canada, UK)
31: New Years Eve
Find more dates and other things about e-commerce @inovpedro