3 Website Tips For Startup Companies In Utah

Talmage Egan
Silicon Slopes
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2017

For a startup, your website will either repel visitors like a pungent bug spray or it will attract visitors with the ambient blue neon glow of a bug zapper and zap your visitors into leads before they know what hit them! Below are three things every startup company should consider before they embark in the digital world.

Don’t Hire Dr. Frankenstein

As your company grows, you’re likely to update and change your website on a regular basis and you’ll probably hire several developers and companies. Be careful not to create a coding nightmare for your future self. Make sure that your developer creates clean, thoughtful, readable code that can be easily interpreted by a new developer. HQ — a local Utah web design and development services company — talks about code that “resembles Frankenstein’s monster” with “features and plugins bolted on with no regard to consistency”. These Frankenstein websites can expensive to fix, it’s better to let an angry torch and pitchfork wielding mob take care of these sites and start over from scratch.

Make Perfect Waves for Surfing the Web

We understand, you’ve built a thriving business and you want to tell people about it. But beware… large blocks of text scare away your casual web surfers like actual surfers from terrible waves. Creating perfect web surfing copy is punchy, concise, relevant and easy to ride. Always ask yourself, “would you read this?” As Heydon Pickering says in his article The Perfect Paragraph, “the perfect paragraph is unassuming to the point of near invisibility.” In other words, it’s easy to read. Like the perfect surfing wave, your website copy should gently take the visitor to shore with little effort.

Make it Obvious

“No one will ever complain that you made things too simple to understand.” — Ann Handley, Everybody Writes. You must have a clear call to action (CTA). Your website should naturally funnel visitors towards a lead generating tool like an order page, form fill out, free download, or appointment scheduler. This CTA Best Practices guide published by HubSpot will give you some actionable steps. As a startup, you’ve invested a lot of time and money into this website and a good CTA is how you will see an R.O.I. Make it so easy, a child could do it. Because — when browsing web — just about everyone has the attention span of a child. Except you of course, because you’ve reached the end of this article — woot woot!

So, there you have it. Hire great web developers, provide relevant content, and be painfully honest about what you want your visitors to do.



Talmage Egan
Silicon Slopes

Talmage is a digital marketer in Utah’s Silicon Slopes. When not at work, Talmage spends time with his family and playing the drums in a local wedding band.