Information Lost In The cloud? Provo’s FileShadow Can Help You Find It

Jennifer Durrant
Silicon Slopes
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2018
Keep your cloud-stored files safe, centralized and easily searchable with Provo-based FileShadow.

Data storage has come a long way since the days of floppy disks and CD-ROMs. Over the years, we have continuously found bigger and better ways to store data in smaller and smaller places. Now, we don’t even need a physical piece of technology to house our data — we can put it all in the cloud!

But with the advent of cloud storage and the as the concept of data storage on the whole has become easier for users to adapt to, it has also become a more pervasive and difficult landscape to navigate. But Provo-based file assurance company FileShadow has come onto the scene to ensure that your cloud files are centralized, searchable and safe.

Make your data simple, automatic and continuous

It doesn’t matter if you’re a self-starter, low-level consumer or an employee working for a mid-sized company, it’s more than likely that all of your files and data live somewhere in the cloud. And while cloud storage has simplified and expedited our data storage needs, there are a myriad of cloud storage services out there that you can benefit from — and that you have undoubtedly have taken advantage of.

However, with all of the cloud services offered today, it can be easy to become trigger-happy and sign up for multiple cloud services to store all of your data. And as an employer, the pervasive lure of free cloud storage options can be an enticing avenue to help you store your data at a low (or free) cost.

FileShadow allows users to connect their disparate cloud services into one easy-to-navigate space. There’s no need to remember countless email and password combinations — FileShadow keeps all of your cloud services in one place.

“It’s natural for consumers to want to store all of their data in multiple places solely due to the low or free price point of cloud storage. And as a result, it can be easy to lose files,” Tyrone Pike, president and CEO of FileShadow, said. “FileShadow allows a solution to this woe by centralizing all cloud data into one place.”

Easily search all of your clouds for data

Have you ever had the frustration of flipping back and forth between your various cloud accounts trying to locate a particular file? Between services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box or other cloud storage vendors, it can be hard to keep all of your files centralized and organized. But FileShadow assures immediate searchability, availability and protection of the files stored within all of these sources by archiving each creation of every file that is generated.

And with FileShadow, you can even search for files using a keyword. FileShadow uses optical character recognition, or OCR, to tag and catalog users’ files. For example, if you are looking for images with a dog, FileShadow can search your cataloged images for all files containing a figure of a dog.

“The problem for consumers is looking endlessly for a file in the sea of data that they’ve accumulated,” Pike said. Through capabilities like OCR, GPS locations, and file tags, we’ve made it easy for users to locate their files across multiple platforms in a flash.”

Protect your data better than ever

However convenient and fastidious cloud storage is, it doesn’t come without its pitfalls. Some of the biggest names and brands have fallen to hacks and breaches of consumer data that leave skeptics shaking their heads at the legitimacy of cloud storage. Can it ever be truly safe?

To ensure their customers that their data is safe and secure, FileShadow has teamed up with Drobo, a storage protection and redundancy provider, to make sure that none of your files are ever lost. With 11 9s of durability guaranteed, you can rest assured that all of your data is safeguarded for a lifetime.

Whether you’re a business or a self-starting creative, your data is king in this digital world. The need for continuous, searchable and safe file storage is ever-increasing, and FileShadow is making all of those imperatives possible.



Jennifer Durrant
Silicon Slopes

A journalist for more than 20 years, Jennifer specializes in human interest/lifestyles writing. She lives off traveling, Pinterest and chai tea lattes.